Opie Tweets that he will meet with SiriusXM on Tuesday

47  2014-07-06 by [deleted]


Copied from anther post I made... Just a personal opinion:

Ant absolutely did EVERYTHING possible to make sure he blew up this XM gig.... for EVERYONE. He handled the whole ordeal about as bad as any "professional" could have. If I'm Opie or Jim, while I understand Ant was upset, I'd be pretty fucking livid with him for being so completely selfish and irrational to the point he blew a nice gig that was in the final stretch of it's contract. Because he has "personal issues" with supposedly being attacked by a black woman, he felt it best to completely blow-up everyone else's livelihood.

All he had to do was shut his fucking mouth... that's it. Just SHUT.THE.FUCK.UP ...but no, he and his feelings are far too important to not be broadcast over social media like an irrational teenager filled with misplaced angst.

Love Ant, he was the best part of the show for me... but FUCK HIM for blowing it all up over what amounts to nothing but his own personal issues and insecurities. That sucks...

Having said that, can’t wait to hear Ant go on a long-winded, hate-fueled torrent on how he was “wronged”... As delusional as he will probably be over this situation and the consequences that arose from his actions, it should be a GREAT listen.

Oh yeah, a great listen. He'll probably bring up ssome stuff he's NEVER ranted about for hours THIS time.

I wonder if he would've been fired if he said those exact same comments on air, instead of twitter. As O&A fans, we've all heard him go on similar rants with no repercussions.

Its possible that if it was said into the mic, it would be viewed as an attempt at entertainment, a joke, or within a character. But off mic, its hate speech.

Probably not.

Jim and Opie would have been able to rein him in before he said something REALLY over the line, and on top of that, the only people who would have heard it would have been people actively listening to the channel, and the internet rabble rousers generally don't have the wherewithal to pay for a satellite sub and recording/encoding equipment/software to make his speech an issue.

Yeah, if O&J decided to carry on without Ant, and don't bring him even as a guest, I really can't blame them.

I'll be super bummed if they decide to sit out the rest of the contract in solidarity with Ant. I mean, I'd kind of get it, but Ant is a very selfish dude when it comes to certain things. He knows the state of shit in this country. What else did he think would happen. He could end up fucking sam, erock, Travis, and Sal out of the greatest jobs of their life. I started listening about a month before Sex for Sam and wasn't attached enough to the show but 10 years after listening to damn near every show this blows.

I'd been a YouTube listener for years and finally got an XM unit a couple of weeks ago. Now I might not even have the chance to really enjoy it.

Are you kidding? Between Covino & Rich, Today Show Radio, Business School Radio and the Morning Mashup who would miss O&A at all?

Am I the only person who STILL thinks he did nothing wrong? He never dropped any N bombs on Twitter, he never called the black race as a whole anything. He said the woman was an animal and a savage, which she was, and he had used those two words before on Twitter. He did NOTHING wrong.

"... supposedly being attacked... "? The evidence was pretty conclusive. Enough of this "supposedly" shit...

Im with you. I keep hearing he was fired for a racist rant on Twitter and Im still trying to find it. Ive seen his rant, and for the life of me I couldnt find the racist slur. Sorry but the terms animal and savage apply to all races. They arent slurs for black people. Its no different then saying asshole or scumbag. You dont get to shoehorn in whatever insult you want and call it racist to fit your agenda. Fuck that.

I agree 1000% with you. While I love the show and Anthony's contribution the one thing none of us can't disagree with is the fact that Anthony knew better. This wasn't a subtle type of Imus firing for saying a few questionable things. If O&A were talking about another DJ that did this, they would say he's getting fired. Not that he should. But he would. So Anthony may have just been too emotional to know better but in reality, he does and should have. He can't claim ignorance here. It's too bad. I still don't understand why these people use social media at all. Hire a company to do it and call your friends when you're pissed off.

You hit the nail on the head. People need to grow up and admit that Ant did this to him self and now everyone has to suffer.


He's been saying shit like this on Twitter and the radio show for years now with no repercussions. How was he supposed to know that this is the one time that would have him fired. Its either sensor yourself or speak your mind, and he's obviously not gonna sensor himself.


So you wanted Anthony to not be Anthony.

Got it.

Re-read your post and realize how much you described the anti-anthony.

If Anthony was Anthony on the air, this wouldn't have happened. How many stories have they done about "dummy gets fired because Twitter?"

He says worse on air all the time. But instead, he put it in print for everybody to see, and gave people something to screencap and write blogs about.

Ant is the selfish one for telling the truth? Yea, ok. Or, y'know, SiriusXM could not throw their employees to the wolves whenever some non-subscribing PC lynch mob writes a bitchy article.


But remember guys, Ant totally isn't a racist! He's friends with Whoo Kid!

only pussies would shut the fuck up, pussies like you. Ant is a proud man he would never be a fucking cuntrag for Opie or sirius.

How is it possible that people are forgetting that he was ASSAULTED! There was no show the next day, so he wanted to gives his twitter fans something to chew on as well as vent. He's done this before with no backlash this time it didn't pan out that way, but he is completely entitled to his anger.

Everyone understands he was assaulted. Was she in the right? Of course not. However, Ant is smart enough to understand he is not held to the same standard as a normal individual on the street. He makes his living being a public figure, and while it may not be right, he has to handle himself differently around the public.

Ultimately, he wants to have his cake and eat it too. He knows that celebrities, at basically every level, have to handle themselves differently when under the scrutiny of the public eye. Do I believe he should be able to freely say whatever he wants? Of course I do, but we are not at a point in which people can do such a thing. So while he made his racial point again(and again and again), he did it at the cost of everyone on the show.

So it was his fault then? And not the PC police?

Him being fired is absolutely his fault.

He was not fired because he was assaulted. He was fired because of his meltdown on Twitter. Nobody but Ant is responsible for the content on his Twitter account. He put it out there for everyone to see, his employers saw it, and took action as a result.

I get it, he knew the climate, and made a bunch of stupid tweets. But don't you defend his right to say that stuff? I'd rather back him up over the principle of the thing than get mad at him for putting the show in major jeopardy.

He has every right to say that stuff. And if he wants to go on a Twitter rant, then that's fine. But if his employers look at that and decide they've had enough and don't want to be associated with him anymore, that's their prerogative. If people want to bitch about it on Twitter and cancel their Sirius sub, that's fine. But nobody other than Anthony is responsible for getting Anthony fired.

If someone kicks a hornets' nest, who do you blame for the resulting disaster: the hornets, or the idiot that kicked the nest?

It doesn't matter that the PC police are a bunch of whiny cunts. He knows they exist, that Sirius will throw him under a bus in a second, and what the impact of his firing would be.

You're totally right. I just wasn't hearing all this before today. It seems like people are getting mad at Ant now because they feel bad for everyone else's job, when really he gave all them a job in the first place.

That argument can be applied to anything, and gives you the ability to dehumanize and rationalize any decision you ever make. Killed your kid? Well, he wouldn't have had life in the first place if it wasn't for me, so he should appreciate what he had. Embezzled money and tanked a company? They should be thankful for the job I provided them while they had it.

Well, context too. But yea the real argument is do you support him and his right to say it, or are you more pissed that he may have blown up the show.

Would your life been impacted in any way if you didn't know about the incident until Monday on the air? Would Ant have been any less angry if he just saved his ammo and waited for the next broadcast?

He didn't say anything in his tweets that Sirius didn't pay him to say on the air, but he should have known that a two-day twitter rant during a slow news week would get picked up, and that there was NO WAY the company would go to bat for him if the story got any heat.

My life was impacted by the fact that he decided to spill his guts on twitter, because I was entertained and excited to hear what happens next. Maybe its just because I don't shit about shit but I really didn't expect for this to escalate the way it did, especially knowing Anthony's history with "racist tweets".

I like your username.

Sam tweeted. So that explains the twitter silence from sam,erock,travis,troy,mars,roland,and everybody employed directly or indirectly by the show. Disciplined army niggaz right here.

Sam Roberts @notsam 27m Happy to have spent some time yesterday with both of the guys that have given me my career. No clue what's next. It's been a long weekend.

I'm getting so upset about this now

Fuck man. Sam broke character

It's like when the Iron Sheik posthumously praised Ultimate Warrior and said it was all a work


guess that mean Opie went over Anthonys for the party

I'm sure whatever meeting that Opie will have on Monday includes Ant, lawyers, and their agent to prepare for a Tuesday meeting at SXM.

I'm so disappointed and starting to get really angry at Ant. He could've stuck to his guns in a way that didn't include that twitter tirade and the show would have been safe. Now the jobs of all the other staff is in jeopardy--not to mention the show as a whole is over--and he's singing karaoke in his mansion.

of course him bitching about race is selfish, he knew it could get him fired but why would he care, he has millions and no family to take care of, ant being a child is not anything new.

That's the worst thing about this is guys like Travis, Erock, Sal, and Sam aren't making the money O&A&J are making and actually need the money from the show. They'll find work soon enough, but still, because of Ant they're out of work for the time being.

EDIT: And Mars too. Roland too. Nonpedestrian food is very expensive.

On the other hand, if Opie, Jim, and Ant receive a payout on the remainder of their contracts it's always possible O&A&J will take care of their boys on their way out. They're not disloyal douchebags, which is why their staff loves them so much.

True. People hate Opie but I don't doubt for a second that he'll do the right thing

Èxactly. One thing that struck me from the unmasked was the appreciation that Opie has for the staff. I'm sure he'll make sure they are taken care of and even if their not, you can be sure that they'll be involved in future ventures.

There's always Rockstar


Erock and Sam are the ones who most likely don't have to worry about work as much. Travis however has a history of violence against an intern and no one cares about a hipster douche who can't cum with women, who has a history of complaining about being given work to do.

Yeah nobody is gonna hire a guy who has sexual dysfunction hoo hoo

Troyquan. What about Troyquan? He lost his girlfriend and he could be losing his job within the same year.


Well, sure. I have no doubt they'll get jobs soon enough, but Ant cost them a job that they all seemed to love and have had for several years now. If I was in their shoes where someone did something that could have been avoided and put me and my coworkers out of work (for however long) I'd be at the very least ticked if not full blown irate.

It's pretty much what he does every day on the air. Why would he shut-up now?

The way Anthony spends money there is no way he could retire on what he has in savings. Have you see the guys house? The yearly taxes on that alone would be enough to fuck him in a decade or two.

He lives in another world, he will soon realize what a mess he made for people he used to call friends. This was a nice gig and they worked their ass off to get to this point just to have it taken away by some twitter bullshit by Ant.

Put aside all the anti SiriusXM talk and all the free speech talk, what do we have? No changes except a bunch of people out of work and fans out of their favorite show. I am kinda glad Patrice is not around to witness this bullshit.

Anthony is such a selfish scumbag. What a fuckface. He deserves the life of separation and crippling loneliness that he has come to enjoy.

Man, fuck all of you guys! Yeah, put all of this on Ant! Nevermind he was justifiably pissed off for being assaulted and subsequently defamed for taking innocent pictures! Nevermind that his tendency to do things like go on his Twitter rant is one of the major reason you're fans of his in the first place! Nevermind that the shitty management was WAAAAAAYYYY out of line for knee-jerk firing him over something they had pretty much been paying him to do for years! Let's just heap all the blame on Anthony! You people suck!

Well it is his fault, and im not a fan of anthony angry racist rants on twitter i was a fan of the opie and anthony show.

I've been pissed at him from the get go and unlike everone else here, I feel like he deserved it. He tested that wall every fucking day as hard as he could. It finally crumbled, and all the Mongolians of the Internet came pouring over the break.

This was always going to be the way it ended but it didn't have to be this soon. Goddamn it Anthony!

Had he kept his mouth shut and saved it for da show, it could have been a classic episode.

No, it would have been the same as every other hour long race rant he gives. Boring and pointless.

Except it would've lasted the whole show.

What's pointless? He wasn't wrong after all. Stupid apologist.

He has been saying and tweeting this kind of borderline racist shit for years though, the tirade he went on wasn't really anything that extreme. It was because it got picked up by SJW bloggers and caught a small internet-media circuit of people who don't listen to the show that the company got wind of it. It's the same exact process that has happened in any of the numerous cases over the years of firings and fake apologies that the show always closely covers.

If Sirius were smarter or weren't just looking for an excuse to get rid of him all they would have had to do is not issue any statement wait a week, a few days even, and the whole thing would have just blown over. It was even over a holiday weekend, it was not a big story. They turned it into a big story by getting scared over nothing and firing him.

I think the writer of the Gawker hit piece owes it to the show's patrons to stand behind his article and defend his work. Haven't seen anything from this Aleksandr Chen fellow, perhaps the patrons may want to pressure him into justifying and defending his work.

I get what you mean, but really i think Ant was just as surprised this blew up that way it did. We've all seen or heard "worse" from him on the show and on twitter. In the past it's never seemed to warrant a warning, much less a suspension and firing was never on the table.

If you honestly think he should have kept his mouth shut and said what he feels to keep the PC brigade happy then you are part of the problem. What happens then? Where does he draw the line? How much self censoring would be enough to make those people happy? That is a road that leads to the show being a safe place like the fucking Todd Show I would rather see the show gone than watch that happen.

As for how how he acted afterwards. He did what he could, the twitter clear, not doing a drunk LFTC party show. Sure he could have canceled the party, sat home alone with his thought and his booze, and access to the internet. I suspect that would have been worse.

Don't call people niggers and don't blame an entire race for the actions of one? I don't know. Maybe that's asking too much.

He didn't do either of those things.

Yes, he did.

In replies to other tweets, he said he dropped n-bombs after the tenth time he was hit and he said to some person - who said he shouldn't blame all blacks - that he wasn't attacked by anybody else that night.

I agree. Good thing he did neither.

Well theres a logical explanation his rant wasnt anything new we all knew that. It was the story, of course the media is going to be interested on a radio show host getting punched on the street randomly, the thing is when they digged into the event they found ant crazy "they are not human" rant and that spiralled the whole thing into this.

But it all started as weird news like don imus getting in a fight in a mcdonals or something

Free Speech mother fucker ever heard of it?

Fuck that.

People should be able to say whatever the fuck they want without losing their goddamn job. This isn't Ant's fault. He's a comedian. His job is to commentate on society whether people want to admit he's right or not.

If anyone loses their job, it's because SiriusXM doesn't have the fucking BALLS to stand behind their employees when a non-listening bitching faggot from gawker sneezed and demanded a response from them.

It means their last show ever on Sirius was last Tuesday.


It was an awful show too.

That show was why it was so easy for them to fire Ant.

There's no end of reasons why it's easy to fire Ant, which is why this whole SXM gig is over.

No "your moms box"?

Its replaying now. Op said it was their last show and Jim said "ever". Chilling to hear.

so it's all a huge work and anthony did a classic heel turn?

I heard him say that and I thought the same thing!

I love Nick

Most meetings are after the show, since management is too lazy to come in before the boys. It could still be possible that they're live on Tuesday.

Either way, Opie isn't going to say much for legal reasons obviously, but he also will stay relatively silent to build suspense for the next show. It's in the Opster's nature. The next broadcast (if there is one) is the most anticipated O&A show of the satellite era.

Beats the piss out of cakegate

Doubt he meets with management before 6:30. They probably dont get in until 9 or 10. Thinking WO on Tuesday too

No chance they go on the air before anything is decided.

True fact. They won't let Opie on the air before they are absolutely sure that they can get behind him and what he's going to say. Personally I think Ant holds Opie back in these situations, and I don't think we'll hear more from him on Sirius.

Most people don't get to work before 6am. Of all the terrible things SXM staff has done and all the names we call them, lazy for not getting to a desk job at 6am isn't really one of them.

I would say no live show monday or tuesday.

Or ever.

Thanks, had a hard time posting it from my phone.

Erock - Do you know that batting this lightbulb is the only thing that cheers me up after this long weekend? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Br37RUAIIAAX8rS.jpg


Travis - Without a doubt the weirdest weekend I can remember. Thanks for the supportive comments. It still feels like a dream. No clue what's next.


Golden era Simpsons was my favorite TV show ever.

Dr Steve chimes in again.

Doctor Steve @weirdmedicine 4m I predict our mutual friend will have plenty of opportunity to say his peace over the next few weeks. I look forward to the truth coming out

Well he finally broke his silence. Yeah, it was best-of Monday. But will they be live Tuesday?

It's Sunday. How can you say "it was best of Monday".

Sounds like an awkward way to say that it was already planned.

Do you think it was...a false flag operation? #Quanspiracy

I'm just asking questions, bro.

He's probably going to meet with his agent and lawyers on Monday. Probably why it's a Tuesday meeting.


I guess this means no show Monday

No show Tuesday as well I'd imagine

I'm guessing there won't be a show on Wednesday

Im guessing no show on Thursday

So you're saying there's a chance for Friday.

No, they're not in on Fridays anymore.

Oh well, maybe next Monday.

Yeah, I was just kidding.



Why the fuck would this get a thumbs down? Because I had to explain a joke?

This is the kind of shit I hate about this place. I guess whoever this is has never seen Dumb and Dumber. "So you're telling me there's a chance..."

Next Friday ....

Let's don't kid ourselves. No show ever again on SXM and possibly nothing else with 'the boys' either. This really may be the end of the road. People gotta eat, so they'll start going their separate ways.

Negative nacny

It had to end eventually. This way just feels wrong. It's so deflating. It feels like the twenty years of greatness was for nothing. In an upcoming moment of silence, I wonder if it will dawn on Anthony what a sad, angry man he became.

I hope they don't try to go forward with a revised version of the show. The chemistry will be discombobulated, and the lingering specter of what happened will overshadow everything.

Brainstorm: transition Opie into channel program director, and have him rebuild it from the ground up with new voices. Give regular slots to familiar faces, and put the lineup with the potential to be the next OnA into the marquee, morning spot.

In an upcoming moment of silence, I wonder if it will dawn on Anthony >what a sad, angry man he became.

I think he knows. I'm not at all sure he is as happy as he pretends to be on air.

penn is talking about this now live on his podcast ... http://pennsundayschool.com/live/

Thanks. I'll listen after work.

Brother Joe doesn't think there will be any more live broadcasts https://twitter.com/JosephCumia/status/485820494696837121

Well, canceling SXM now. This fucking sucks.

No reason why we can't have a Sam Roberts show or a Jim Norton Advice Show right?

Now all I can think about is Rambo's ending monologue from First Blood...

He didn't have to shut up. I am willing to bet if he had her arrested and tweeted all the racist shit he tweeted without advocating her being shot, no firing. I will bet a million dollars on that. All Sirius was looking at is the next logical step would have been Anthony Cumia: Vigilante Justice. Anthony saying all the shit he said minus the fact he has a fucking armory at his disposal means little to nothing. He got away with saying worse racial stuff on air. It's the fact he's angry and has guns.

Shock jocks threaten callers that they will skull fuck their mother/fathers.

Great, this will be post 20 times in the next hour.


And would you faggots get it through your thick skull no show was planned for Monday, for a staff meeting? Jesus fucking Christ, it was posted at least 200 times yesterday, but noooo, you're all milling around bellowing like Bobo that "maybe deer will be a shew Mundhay".

Fuck! It's like herding retards! Oh, wait, it IS herding retards!

Well, we are all very impressed.

Umad, Bobo?


Yeah nobody is gonna hire a guy who has sexual dysfunction hoo hoo


so it's all a huge work and anthony did a classic heel turn?

I heard him say that and I thought the same thing!