If you go the protest tomorrow make some signs with Howard in blackface on them.

12  2014-07-06 by [deleted]

I hope someone does this. Good luck tomorrow.


nah. its not necessary.

Maybe, maybe not. If people actually go tomorrow I'll be surprised.

People will be there

The firing wasn't necessary.

making this about hoohoo is not necessary

Sure it is, making Sirius have to address why Stern gets a pass and why they can't fire him will be hilarious.

How is Stern getting a pass? The blackface was very clearly satire, playing off of the whole Ted Danson using the N word at the friars roast while he was dating Whoopi Goldberg. The difference is that Stern is a radio professional where as Anthony is a guy doing radio. That's not discounting Anthony's talent, he's one of the most entertaining guys around, but without Opie, who is also a radio professional, Anthony clearly would/did become unhinged. If you can find one instance of stern being racist, I'll agree with you.

Neither Opie or Anthony or Jimmy would want to see Stern get in trouble for something he did 20 years ago...it goes against everything they talk about.

You are a moron. The blackface image that everybody had been posting is from the Petey Green show, years before the roast even took place.

No satire, nothing to do with Ted Danson.

EDIT: Go ahead, down vote instead of owning up to your stupidity.

Boy, you're a real sad loser. You're referring to a show from 1981!! I guess you're right, they should fire Stern for a satire he took part in during Reagan's first year in office. I guess I was a little too busy with real life and couldn't differentiate between a pic from 1994 or 1981 to figure out what "everyone is posting". You probably should delete your account before you embarrass yourself any further. If you show up at the protest you should be immediately arrested for being a smug shit head.

You are a ridiculous cunt that will never be able to understand a reasonable point.

Ha! You're a boob. Your point was one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Go back to watching those cars zoom around a big circle. It's actually funny how dumb you are.

You are so fucking dumb that I can't even get a read on if you're an upright biped or not.

Go listen to your old favorite Stern bits where he calls people niggers.

The typing should help you figure out the biped thing. Maybe you're right, we should ask Sirius why they don't fire Howard for something he did on a talk show 34 years ago. I guess your idea is pretty reasonable. I'm sure they'll really entertain it. You're a blubbering dope. Your idea was shit and so are you.

"You're idea was shit and so are you."

You are idea was shit.

You really are a bumbling dipshit.

EDIT: And of course you'll try to edit your way out of blubbering embarrassment.

"Howard for something he did on a talk show 34 years ago."

How many years ago was the Paula Dean shit?

You are just afraid that the fans might get the media to call Stern's employment into question.

Pathetic Stern fan. Fuck off.

Stern did this on television, you ass hole. Everybody knows he did it. There is nothing to say about it. He was in blackface all the time on the channel nine show. Who gives a shit? The Petey Green episode was played on his Sirius and Krock shows several times. It was a clear satire. Paula Deen said things privately and shouldn't have been fired. You really don't understand how things work. I'm sorry that you're not very bright. Maybe you should go watch some more cars go 'round in circles to spruce up your intellect.

"It was a clear satire."

Of what you dumb mother fucker.

He went on to a black guy's show in blackface for no fucking reason, he wasn't satirizing shit.

"Maybe you should go watch some more cars go 'round in circles to spruce up your intellect."

Wow what a fucking creep.

"Hurr durr I'ma gonda look tru his texty posts!"

Go back a little further for the F1 comments you stalking cunt.

Then get back to listening to Stern talk about his horsefaced cunt wife and thirty cats.

You really have no clue what you're talking about. The Petey Greene show wanted stern in blackface to satirize his image in Washington as someone who dealt with race in a humorous way on the radio (I know you would never admit it but it hadn't really been done before on radio). Petey Greene thought it would be funny to have this discussion in blackface to make the whole idea (defending the idea of racial humor) that much more ridiculous. Why don't you listen to Ron Bennington's interview with Don Cheadle where they both discuss how brilliant that show with Stern was. Just admit that your argument is baseless and if anyone actually took your advice, they would look foolish. This is getting sad.

Boo hoo hoo the pests might get Stern into some hot water boo hoo hoo.

"This is getting sad."

I've always looked at you as sad and desperate.

Finally, this last comment sums up your argument pretty well. Well made final point. Good night.

Bye bye you penurious jizz whistler.

Even better last point. Now you can go back to your hillbilly life. Remember, there's nothing to be ashamed of, not everyone can be intelligent. The world needs NASCAR and Formula One fans too.

Go laugh at Stern saying nigger you easily entertained bumblefuck. Boy what a show, AGT, cats, wife, the hamptons, lets go weigh a turd!

Fucking yuck.

Nice contradictions, all bundled up in one comment. You couldn't find one example of Stern using the term "Nigger". Most of your points came from other Redditors, I saw your other points in another thread, brought up by others. Just go to sleep. Maybe tomorrow will be better for you. (This is where you stop and don't reply with some half wit, unrelated comeback)

"You couldn't find one example of Stern using the term "Nigger"."

That sole time he actually was doing satire with Danson and Whoopi, he says it quite a bit. There, I found you one you lunk headed cunt.

Go cry about Artie not being on the show and cringe whenever Howie brings his horrible wife on the air.

That was a scripted satirical sketch. I guess you're having a hard time reconciling the difference between a satire and a man using the word in a malicious manner. It's ok. If you keep trying, you'll become a little more versatile in making and supporting competent arguments.

I though you said you were leaving.

Did I get to you baby boy? Did I make you mad sweetie? Aw baby boy.

There it is again. That redneck, NASCAR wit coming through. Just face the facts. You're dumb. You've probably heard it quite a bit growing up. This is what it looks like all grown up. Deal with it. Enough with these very effeminate, borderline homosexual comments. Finish your last Budweiser and go put your potato brain to sleep for a while before you have to load up the truck in the morning.

Aww sweetie, miss Jackie as head writer do ya?

Don't worry cuddlecakes Howie will make the decision for you once he decides he doesn't want to renew with sirius and just be on AGT. Then you can listen to old shows and cry all day long.

"Enough with these very effeminate, borderline homosexual comments."

Aww, baby boy, are your repressed thoughts coming back up? Don't worry shnookums, there's nothing wrong with liking other men.

Please. Just stop. You've entered into a real embarrassing area now. You're one of those loser fans who tries to talk like Jim Norton does on the air. It is coming across really bad. Remember, this is public domain. People can actually see you acting like a third grader. You were probably one of those guys who used terms like "jabroni" because all the cool wrestlers from your redneck Saturday mornings spoke like that. This is a new low. Just stop.

Oh honey boo. Did you cringe when you realized that the edgiest thing that Howard has done in a long time, Benji getting a finger in his ass, is a very old hack bit?

Sorry that mainstream Howie just isn't doing it for you anymore.

Now run along and listen to Howie for a whopping three days a week (if you're lucky and he's not on vacation).

Very strong point. For someone who doesn't listen, you sure know a lot about the stern show. Hmm?

/u/SinisterExxaggerator if you can't tell the difference between Anthony's remarks on race and Howard's remarks on race, something is wrong with your perception.

Also Robin.

Exactly. Also, this would only be relevant if Ant was fired for a comedy bit.
"Anthony got fired for saying the legal age of consent should be 5 years old? But Stern made a pedophile joke!"

Why snitch on Howard just because Anthony got canned?


Yeah but It goes against the protest....

You clearly don't get it.

Anthony wore blackface too, remember the OJ video?

Wtf does this have to do with Howard? The beef is with SiriusXM, not Howard .

no one's going to the protest tomorrow

I'd love it if it were just Bobo, standing there with a badly spelled sign.

That'd be almost better.

The mongoloid man march

Fucking tattle tale mentality. You stink.


Stern could be the biggest voice on Anthony's side. They don't like each other but Stern knows Anthony being fired like this isn't good for him either. No need to make him hate us more. The enemy of our enemy is our friend.

Why don't we just get Bobo, Lady Di, Marion and all the other tards to do their own protest for weeks?

Cuz we're only mad about censorship if it happens against us! So let's get other people!

You fucking moe.

making this about hoohoo is not necessary

I though you said you were leaving.

Did I get to you baby boy? Did I make you mad sweetie? Aw baby boy.