Will we hear from Ant tomorrow?

9  2014-07-06 by mistercoats

Do you think he'll call into the show and address whats happened? I would love for Opie to start the show with Ant on the line.

Edit: If not tomorrow, then the first live show.


It's most likely going to be "worst of" until the contract is up.

I hadn't really thought about it but I could see Opie quitting over this. And i suppose no Opie and no Anthony would mean 'worst of' for the remainder.

What about Jimmy? He still has The Jim Norton Show, so what happens there?

What happened last time he had a show? What happens EVERY time he gets any little thing? It's violently and humiliatingly taken away from him again.

Why does this have to be so true?


Don't see why Opie would quit, that would be moronic, even by Opie's standards. Honor the contract and get paid, that's the move if you're Opie, Jim, or anyone else who's pay is tied directly to the show.

Ant will sue, will get a payday of some substance. Opie will have to honor the contract, albeit probably by sitting on the bench as "Worst Of's" finish out the last few months they are under contract.

They'll get offered radio gigs by stations , no doubt, the question is will they be of interest to them as the pay they are accustomed are days long gone in the past. I'd have to assume the podcast is the road they will explore, though you figure it will be a good long while until we hear anything new "O&A", if ever. That's my guess...

Final thought... Ant absolutely did EVERYTHING possible to make sure he blew up this XM gig.... for EVERYONE. He handled the whole ordeal about as bad as any "professional" could have. If I'm Opie or Jim, while I understand Ant was upset, I'd be pretty fucking livid with him for being so completely selfish and irrational to the point he blew a nice gig that was in the final stretch of it's contract. Because he has "personal issue" with supposedly being attacked by a black woman, he felt it best to completely blow-up everyone else's livelihood. All he had to do was shut his fucking mouth... that's it. Just SHUT.THE.FUCK.UP ...but no, he and his feelings are far too important to not be broadcast over social media like an irrational teenager filled with misplaced angst. Love Ant, he was the best part of the show for me... but FUCK HIM for blowing it all up over what amounts to nothing but his own personal issues and insecurities. That sucks...

Having said that, can’t wait to hear Ant go on a long-winded, hate-fueled torrent on how he was “wronged”... As delusional as he seems to be over this, it should be a GREAT listen.

he could have waited to unleash this tirade ON THE DAMN AIR! fuck twitter all it does is fuck people. save this for the show and he would not have goten fired...

Even if he did get fired for it, it's still better to do it on air.

really good analysis dude

I disagree about him being selfish. What he said after the incident really wasn't much worse than his usually tipsy Twitter activity, getting into arguments with Agatha or other black followers about white guilt and black criminal behaviour. We were all used to it. I don't think he anticipated it blowing up like this at all and I'm sure he would've held his tongue if he did. It's just that "long standing radio host has a long history of racially provocative tweets" doesn't make much of a story, but "white guy goes on racist rant after being attacked" does.

RATM Street Fighting Man plays.

Opie: Morning everybody, looks like we have a caller already.

Fans eager with anticipation and hope for Anthony

Opie: Who's on the line?

"Hello it's me, Lady Di!"

Thousands of fans sigh in unison

It's worst of tomorrow.

How do you know?

Not really proof, but the best evidence anyone has right now.



Meeting with management on Tuesday tomorrow I think we will hear The Destroyer and his side kick hateful yimmy

If there is another show Sirius would dump the part where he called. There's no chance they would let him air out on their own channel