What is racism? Is Ant racist? Are you? Please be uncivil while discussing.

0  2014-07-06 by freeponyrides

I believe racism is anything a white person does unless he has at least one black friend.


I've got 1.5 black friends so I can pretty much say whatever I want.

If I get another 2.5 I think I can legally buy a slave.

Gay white checking in. Got me a black slave a while ago.

House has never been cleaner.



i got an adopted brother thats black and half a fag. so i can say whatever i want cuz of that nigger.

Racism is when you treat other people differently based on their race. This is almost always a negative treatment, which is why racism is a negative thing.

Yes, Ant is racist.

Yes, I am racist, against those damn chinkies.

I agree with your definition, although I think it's a person's beliefs as much as or even more than their treatment of people that make them a racist. When a black celebrity is on O and A, Ant doesn't treat them poorly, but I wouldn't argue that he's not a racist.

Your definition is flawed. Treating people because they are different is what every human does. A white person with white friends might use the term niggas between each other. When a black person come to the group they won't use the term nigga.

Treating people different because values (sex, race, orientation, disability, age, etc) is normal and it could be a positive, a negative or indifferent.

What about if i own a color tv?

Do you keep it in a different room from your black tv?

If so, you're a racist.

Yep I'm racist. AMA.

I'm a half breed, white/Hispanic, like good old Zimmerman.

I grew up in Brooklyn. and my circle of friends consisted of Asians, Puerto Ricans, Palestinians, Black, and White guys. Our entire childhood was spent ragging on each others stereotypes. Its what I love about the show. And while I disagree with most of Anthony's take, its refreshing to hear a white guy speak honestly, and not come off like a college freshman who just met his first black acquaintance and claims to be a supporter of the struggle, like most of the SJWs who got him fired.

black people are like stupid & stuff. NO HOMO.