Best case/ worst case/ most likely scenarios

2  2014-07-06 by [deleted]

Your opinion on what's next:

I feel: Best: successful reconfiguration of a podcast in a few months. Everyone out of a rut and reenergized Worst: Ant tries podcast, Opie tries to continue show, jimmy focuses on outside production. All fail Most likely: the O&A podcast is attempted. A few decent years.



I agree pretty much, I'm just worried about the worst case scenario; Ant's ego lets him think he can run a political talk podcast by himself and opie resenting the situation, figures out a more stable position for himself so he can focus on raising his kids.

Now THAT is sadly the most likely outcome.

  • Best: O, A, and J along with some of the staff all in on the podcast. News coverage and upcoming protest gives that needed boost of fame for their podcast, as they shoot up in the rankings. Podcasters, radio, and sponsors bid for their talent.

  • Worst: O & J show. Ant's LFTC crashes badly and/or gets banned. Show officially dies at the end of contract. All they can do is get gigs beings guests shows and podcasts for the rest of the year until they go about their separate ways. And PC bullshit media wins.

I could see Opie and Sam joining Ron & Fez. That wouldn't be too bad :/

Anthony was really charged up about launching a podcast during the first 24 hours of this happening, but I doubt he will be able to get the other two on board, and if he can't do that, then the show will suck.

Let's start with the reality: Time to accept that the show is forever done as we have known it thus far. Reality is that radio, as shitty as it now is, is far more lucrative than podcasts. Op, Ant, aren't going to continue to produce content for what in their eyes is negligible money. Add to that the reality that Ant is now a pariah in the eyes of basically any mainstream media. Basically, he, and by extension the 'Opie and Anthony Show', will never have the budget to back large scale production (trips, events, ect). Moreover, cumigate means the show will never again get guests who aren't a stand-up/close friend of the boys. Like it or not, that was a big part of the show and with out it, it will never again have the wide spread marketability of a 'morning show'. Between the lack of incentive for the boys, the lack of a budget, the lack of content, and the lack of marketability - the show as its always been, is dead.

Given this, best/most likely/worst are as follows:

Best: The boys find a way to successfully continue broadcasting content in some form. Three hours a day, no. More likely a semi-daily or weekly show. It'll the never be the same, but the boy are together and the content is still good. After a while, life goes back to normal.

Worst: Things get messy. OP and Ant start trashing each other over twitter and in interviews. While the spaghetti hits the wall, Jimi bails out and tries to ride his VICE show into the limelight. No iteration of the 'Opie and Anthony Show' is ever seen again.

Most Likely: Opie and Jim negotiate a contract buy-out with Sirius since they can squeeze out some final fuck you money, and also stand with Anthony. Show ends for good this week, and the boys enjoy their summer. Come fall, they make a halfhearted attempt to start a podcast or something like that. It doesn't last long. It's not worth Opie's time and it isn't helping Norton's career. The financial glue that helped hold Op and Ant's relationship together disappears. Jim continues with his comedy career. Ant fools around with LFTC and maybe a little conservative radio. OP most likely just retires, but maybe he joins forces with someone like Tom Poppa and creates a new show. Who knows, maybe they even write that book one day.

Fuck this sucks so much.

Damn it. I knew this would happen eventually but it's devastatingly sudden. I'm jot ready for this shit..

I've tried watching LFTC a couple of times and it's not good. Looks more like public access TV. He's a totally different person on it because there is no structure to the show. I don't think it'll work.

Opie is likely done with Ant.

Isn't he usually drunk on it? He doesn't really produce the shows it would seem. Kinda pops it on and let's it run with a loose idea of what to talk about, usually race, of course. I'm sure with a little sober effort it could be much better.

LFTC was always supposed to be a lazy, casual drinking time for Ant. A downtime sort of radio show. But that shit won't fly now. They gotta have Opie steering Ant's ship or the whole thing crumbles.

Best: Anthony is hired back. They continue the current configuration of the show. At the end of the contract, they leave on their own terms to do a podcast.

Worst: Opie & Scorch Show, Anthony does an unsuccessful season of conservative talk shows on FM and Jimmy dies of too much cake

Most likely: It's all up in the air. My guess would be that Opie and Jimmy leaves Sirius and does something with Anthony.