Anthony was so wrong, blacks dont attack for pictures.

29  2014-07-06 by dpc1975


There are tons of these hood prank videos. The result is what you expect.

I think he kinda deserves it for sayong "im just taking selfies"...sorry if that sounds too florentine.

It's weird, but I somehow read that in Florentine's voice before I got to the part where you named him.


If that annoying fuckface walked up to me and said he was taking pictures I'd be pretty mad as well. idk.

Yah, you have no expectation of privacy in public.

Get over it.

You have no promise, but I would normally expect it because people leave each other alone 99% of the time. The exception is homeless people, cops, people handing out fliers, and the I'm-filming-you-for-my-youtube-channel assholes.

wow just fuckin wow

I don't know, getting right up to someone's face with a camera and not saying anything until the third or fourth time that person asks "what are you doing?", that would piss most people off. And don't act like there aren't a ton of white people that would do the same.

I hate these youtube prank-video assholes regardless of who they are trolling. He wouldn't stop until he got the reaction he wanted and acted surprised after he got it. Maybe next time he can do it in Chicago after midnight in a bad neighborhood.

Yeah, fuck these things. If he had gotten seriously hurt he'd be crying and suing people left and right.

He did get assaulted on camera and could sue. The problem is they have no money. He'll make more money off the video ad revenue.

I started watching and realized.. Of course it's Coney Island. What else is to be expected?

Not only blacks, but Coney Island blacks.

Still even in America, the violence capital country of all the west, say he did this to 50 people in total, this was the 5 that reacted. If you think anything else you're just looking for the angle.

Oh, some cunt was walking up to strangers and intentionally gave the impression that he was photographing/filming them and a few of them got angry? OF COURSE THEY DID.

Yes, and their immediate reaction is violence.

I did like that the guy at 1:30's reaction was "Time to pose!"

I'm not defending the violence, I am saying that he was fishing for it.

Same way MLK fished for violence. You can trick people into showing you what they really are. Go somewhere, do something that angers idiots, watch idiots react violently, call them idiots.

What the fuck?

Lol the dude got punched twice even.

I'm sure that MLK would be proud to learn what has happened to the black community

I do agree with most of what Anthony said but my only problem is the lack of evidence he was attacked. There is even a picture of a scratch or bruise. Makes me believe it was a huge over reaction on his part.

He never said she actually hurt him. He was mad at her animalistic behavior, not her punching skills. If you have ever been hit by a woman, they generally aren't very good at it. She was probably windmilling punches and trying to knock the camera out of his hands.

I would agree that Ant overreacted because I would have handled it differently, but that's just how he is. He was right to be pissed off and the damage wasn't the point.



The new President and CEO of

Hey, remember when this video got brought up constantly, in multiple threads, since Thursday?

Also, do this in an Italian neighborhood. You'll get stomped for doing it there too.

Wow how can they be such animals? When whites have never been barbaric, evil, cruel and inhumane. The power of selective memory is strong in these ones

No shit. But this has brought out the Stormfront crowd to defend Ant.