Ant singing with Carlton at the party, apparently lawyers are involved 3:10 mark

134  2014-07-06 by onafuck Ant sings Ebony and Ivory with Carlton and at the end Carlton has a little message for Sirius


Carlton is the fucking man. No fucks given by him that's for sure.

He's clearly been coached by this frothing racist and is incapable of truly understanding what he's doing or who he's with, so I'll just be offended for him instead.

I understand your sarcasm and I agree.

They can't all be home runs.

This sub is tarded

It's most definitely on the spectrum

this needs to hit the news sites lmao

Why do you think he did it? He's acting like it's tongue-in-cheek but it genuinely is a blatant attempt to prove "I'm not racist! I have a black friend! See?!'

Dude shut the fuck up. I bet you wake up every morning wondering when the next time you can pull out the word racist. Fucking stupid prick.

You couldn't be more wrong faggot.

My racism would make Anthony blush.

My problem with this is that he's being a suckup little bitch.

He's sucking up by having a black friend? I don't think his whole relationship with Carlton is just as a "black friend card", it was 4th of July and he throws parties all the time. Just this time they had something to make fun of.

It's not just "having a black friend", it's uploading pictures and videos with his arm around him. It's for a specific purpose. He's trying to prove something.

Stop acting like Anthony isn't DEVASTATED over his firing. He wants his job back badly. He is just too scared to show weakness so he's trying to make it look like he doesn't care.

Opie and Jim are devastated, and they still presumably have jobs, so imagine how Anthony is feeling.

Your delusion is astounding

Yeah you're right he has black friends specifically for the purpose of annoying Gawker journalists.

He has one for insurance

Your delusion is astounding

You couldn't be more wrong faggot.

Yes I could, I could say you're intelligent.

tss tss good one

That dude Carlton has been his friend for a while, I've seen him in numerous pics Ant posted.

Got it:

  • Get accused of racism.
  • Hide all black friends so you don't seem fake.
  • ???
  • Profit

All your posts are shit and you should feel bad about them.

yeah singing "ebony and ivory" is laying it on a little thick

Then again, sites like Gawker aren't known for appreciating subtle humor, so fuck 'em

No shit. Imagine how douchey that phone call was. And this Uncle Tom motherfucker goes along with it, and just walks up the sidewalk with little black jockey figurines on either side.

Have some self respect you honkey-lovin savage.

Holy shit you're crazy.

I think he's trolling, because he'll leave normal comments sometimes and then leave batshit insane ones like this.

Uncle Tom motherfucker

Unlisted video!


"TERMITE" paint? Are they choking on the splinters?

Tss yeah, termite paint or termite not paint. I'm just riffing.

or or... wait, or... Hold on I got one... Terwon't paint... tss tss...

Fuck... Chipperson levels are at critical mass... SHE CAN'T TAKE MUCH MORE!

What's that?

Critical mass tss... is that like really serious church or sumthin. Double child molestas muthafuckas



spiracy... spiracy...



Thank you for your service.


Not trying to be a quay, but watching this makes me realize how much I'm gonna miss Ant and the O&A show. I was never a O&A superfan, but Ant is so fucking talented. An unending reservoir of hilarity. There's really no one on his level out there.


I can't blieve the show is just over..

There's Ant, just not giving a fuck. Champion.

When they hugged I thought of Vincent Vega and Marcellus Wallace in the bar after the meeting with Butch. The outfits and hair systems certainly help.

Interracial gay slow dance night at the strip club

Haha, 'hair systems'

Vincent Vega's in the house?

this made me smile haha

I found it on dawns twitter :)

you musta got up real early or sumptin

Ooof, good one chip.

What's that?

There's a Chip bot!?

What's that?


What's that?



What's that?


What's that?

The funny thing is, even if Ant only has 1 black friend, 99% of the SJW crybaby libtard pussy losers who tattled on him have never actually even spoken to a black person.

What about Dru Boogie? Is he a friend of Ant's? 2 FRIENDS!

Don't forget about, Black "Blurred Lines" Earl.

Earl is just a dark-skinned honkey.

yall niggas best not be forgetting about DJ Whoo Kid. Ant shouldn't have been fired. He has a nigga card from Whoo Kid

It's a shame his Patrice card expired

Could really use another one of these clips

I'll never get tired of this clip. "I'm a fool....ahhhhhh!"

Acquaintance, and that was before his twitter rant blowback.

kill yourself

You're just making shit up fella.

How? How can you not love this mother fucker, Ant?

Wow. Any seems real shook up about his firing. Lol what a boss.

He really is a ballsy bastard. Nobody can question that. He folds every now and then but overall, he almost always stands by his dumb opinions, come what may. That's commendable.

Just like Hitler in the bunker!

Hello, I am Godwin's law bot!

I'm calculating how long on average it takes for hitler to be mentioned.

Seconds Hours
This post 37686.0 10
Average over 1235 posts 320697 89

Graph of average over time available at

Send this to those faggots at Gawker.

No to them I think you want to send the pic of him and BaileyJay.

You think that might be why he put this up?

No, I think he put it up as a joke to fuck with them. Not to show "LOOK, I HAVE BLACK FRIENDS SO I'M NOT RACIST!!!"

He's a glorious troll to the end.

Ant knows he's racist, he's pissed he got fired for saying something that definitely isn't racist, he wasn't generalising, it was targeted at 1-6 persons, not all black people. Him and Patrice agreed they were racists at both ends of the scale anyway right?

He is not a racist because he acknowledges the racial truths and facts, a racist is someone who hates someone simply because of their race, we all know Ant is not that.

Look at Ant being all racist and shit.

This made my day! Love Ant

Holy crap that is fantastic

Downloaded the video just in case it get's removed :)

LOL i love ant, he's so great

I watched this whole vid with a smile on my face. Fuck Sirius.


I thought white SJWs revoked Ant's black privileges? Is he even allowed to cavort with Carlton? I hope Jezebel doesn't get wind of this.

Fantastic! Carlton should be the media voice of Anthony

Anthony is the fucking man.

who is carlton? just a friend or a comic?

Ant's one notably black chum

This is classic, I couldn't stop smiling at this.

I just wanna see Big NSA's videos to see what kind of racist shit Anthony was saying that night.


Awhile ago, Big A was at one of Ant's parties and filmed a few things that he wasnt supposed to film, and posted those videos on youtube. When they talked about it on the show, someone called him Big NSA.

Ahhh thanks. Must have missed that.

who the fuck is this guy

Ya ever watch WWF as a kid and see The Million Dollar Man? This is Ant's Virgil.

That is literally the best way to describe Carlton.

It's Anthony Cumia. Formerly of the Opie & Anthony show.

You'd think that was common knowledge on this sub.

Oh, literal MonsterRayn!


Who the fuck is Carlton?

The haters and Jezebel crowd are ruining the comment section...

Its pretty bad, but at least /u/LizardKingRumsfeld seems to be making a good go of keeping things entertaining.


I think this is honestly the first time I've seen Ant NOT look like warmed over shit.

What do you think has caused this rejuvenation?


That really is the worst a song ever written.


So I take it he won't be apologizing anytime soon?

Suck it, Sirius.


There's your racist you faggot idiots.

Do you really think that someone who is racist cannot have friends of another race? Ant is racist. He is a funny guy but he is racist. Jesus some of you guys are fucking morons.

Says the guy who is calling someone who isn't a racist, racist...

I don't know. I love the guy, but he's gone into racist territory before. He walks the line, but the "blacks never invented anything because they are inferior" stuff is pretty racist. Anything that uses racial inferiority crosses a line I don't care if he crosses because I'm not a pissy eyed baby. I don't know if he's racist for sure, but he's not not racist.

I've grown up around real racists, let me tell you, he's definitely NOT racist. This video wouldn't have existed, and Patrice wouldn't have been tolerated at all had Ant been a true racist. Sure he says racist shit, but never to degrade another. Its usually said on air, as a shock (emphasis on SHOCK) jock. (And this little tirade, but that lady brought race into the conflict)

That 'blacks are inferior' argument came from the Eugenics episode, which he said that's what he found on the internet, not him just spouting off about how some races don't amount to shit. If you take it out of context, you could definitely pin that against him.

I get your point, but I don't think that not being the most extreme racist makes you not racist. I think people aren't as black and white as all that, morally speaking. For the record, I've been a listener a long time and I wasn't just talking about the eugenics discussion, there have been times he's debated black callers with similar reasoning, one in particular I remember had some crazy theory that there was a modern black culture that collapsed and things are now being reinvented. I think my last sentence still stands, although I will concede that on occasion it has been exaggerated for humor making it hard to understand what is "the character" and what is real.

I haven't listened for a that long of a time, so you got me on that one! I have listened to a lot of sporadic past shows though, fucking LOVE talk radio. Although, I will argue to the death for freedom of speech! I guess we'll have to see how this protest goes tomorrow, then we will really know what's going to happen!

It is absolutely 100% true. Blacks have never invented anything.

I assume you are being sarcastic. I also assume you are sitting in an air conditioned room.

Of course I should add on my last comment by saying the Air Conditioner was indeed invented by a white man, Willis Carrier. Try again though.

I am disappointed in your response.

Did you not hear the bit on black inventors?

Patrice goes, they can't even let us have the street light.

History and fact should not be molded for the sake of compassion for others self esteem, that is funny though.

See this everyone? This is the beginning of the Opie-less point of Anthony's life.

Look how happy he is.

Ant is like grandpa charming.

I feel sorry for that black guy. Ant has one black friend so now he has to be in every shot and video?

I hope Ant is at least paying him for his blatantly pandering services.

Oh wow, the world's racism has been completely erased thanks to this video, alert the media.

Trying too hard to make sure everyone knows "hey look i'm not bothered by anything that's happened"

This video only seems cool to O&A fans. Outsiders looking in will think its desperate and lame.

It's passed them by.

you musta got up real early or sumptin

What's that?


What's that?

You couldn't be more wrong faggot.

My racism would make Anthony blush.

My problem with this is that he's being a suckup little bitch.




Critical mass tss... is that like really serious church or sumthin. Double child molestas muthafuckas