Ants firing made CNN News. is it fair and balanced

75  2014-07-06 by 4_leaf_tbag


To be fair, it wasn't as awful as I thought it would be, but to quote Ricky Gervais "Why do I care what the man in the street has to say? There's a reason he's in the street."

What like this

This is fucking great.

Charlie Brooker is a god amongst men. If you like his style check out News Wipe, Screen Wipe and he also did the Black Mirror TV series, the first episode has the Prime Minister forced to fuck a pig on live TV.

"Wordplay fit for a king" Regent Street..."Regent's Treat"?! Fucking BRILLIANT! I didn't get that the first time I saws it.


Front page material this is.....ME MUM DIEDDDD

I was thinking the same about the "guy on the street" bit. The rest was pretty much as "news" as could be. Who, what, where, when, why and how. They got it.

I thought that beautiful black women's opinion was lovely

Surprised the fuck outa me to be honest

Me too , editor or producer of piece might be a fan , good one for Ant

stay tuned for a tweet pic of her with him, at the compound.

2 black women in 72 hours might give Mr.Cumia another heart attack

Wouldn't be the first

I was so ready to hate her. She was what everyone should be.



Cute looking girl too

A improvement over the Times Square lady thing,

they're the shock jocks fans love to hate

got that bit right.

I cringed so hard at that. I picture Colin mockingly shouting it on air.

I really hope somehow he latches on to it.

I wanted to, until I thought about how much I scream at my radio when Opie says something retarded. They're exactly right.

Because we hate everything. We come in third behind crazy gang members and juggalos in the worst fans ever competition.

Hi. Do you ever sleep?


That black girl in bracers just eliminated any racism I might have left in my body

edit: and by racism, I mean semen

and by body, you mean anus

And by eliminated, you mean deposited into your mouth.

And by semen you mean like a bunch-a.. guys on a boat uh sumthin tssstsss


that actually probably helped anthony, a black woman saying 'she attacked him first...she was wrong' also the reporter standing in the middle of a really busy times square (even though in anthony's pictures it looks like there's barely anyone around) and saying that 'it's almost impossible to take a picture without someone getting in frame'

props to cnn, and/or that reporter i guess

Yeah was pleasantly suprised too

Did Fox News cover this? Ant loves Fox, as it reinforces his beliefs. If Fox (not a local affiliate, but FOX NEWS) covered it, I'd like to see it.

Can't see Fox News at home. Wife has it blocked & I'm fine w/ that. There's generally nothing worth watching on that channel anyway.

Wait, what? What else has your wife Adolf blocked?

Why would she block it?

Because he doesn't pay for the cable in her house.

you are correct sir. I could un-block it with a few keystrokes on the remote. I just don't watch that much TV & I don't give a fuck about Fox News.

Because she's just as (nearly irrationally) liberal as Ant is conservative.

So she actually parent blocks the station lol.

No. DirecTV lets you program your reciever to skip unwanted channels. If I knew what channel Fox News was on, I could manually enter it & watch it. I don't care to watch Fox News, so I haven't bothered.

That make more sense haha.

The Blaze had an article about it, very biased in Anthony's favour, believe it or not.

Not that it matters. Sirius isn't going to turn around on this.

The Blaze is Glenn Beck's media outlet. Uberfan Stuntbrain works for The Blaze, so any article from that source should be taken w/ a shaker-full of salt.

I agree that Sirius won't turn around on this. Pretty sure Sirius had no intention of renewing the boys when their contract expires. R&F were moved to Raw Dog for a reason & there's a reason that ONLY O&A content (and the shitshow/preshow/aftershow) are aired on the O&A channel.

Dump O&A & move something else to their channel once the contract expires. Save millions! SXM doesn't give a fuck about the Hoo-hoo listeners. Why the fuck would they care about the O&A fanbase?

wow they actually did a good job covering this fairly

CNN isn't bad.

That was decent to be honest

Who'd think that an African American lady would be defending him? Talk about irony.

In this day and age white people get unreasonably offended for black people more than black people get unreasonably get offended. She also doesn't have to worry about being labelled a racist for not having the PC response.

Decent Black people hate trashy black people more that white people do, yet many decent Black people have to deal w/ their trashy counterparts far more often than decent white/Asian/Hispanic/any other race of people do.

Chris Rock hilariously points this out in BRING THE PAIN and he caught a bunch of shit for it. It's no coincidence that his next HBO special was titled "BIGGER AND BLACKER"

Trashy people are trashy, regardless of race/color/whatever.

Anthony is admittedly Long Island White Trash & he's attracted to trashy women. VERY YOUNG trashy women, at least since his split w/ Melissa Stetten.

I'm mixed race, and it's funny. The only time I have a black guy reaction is when I overhear, see some so ghetto he has to practice in the mirror level black trash. Cause I don't look it, there have been times I'm pretty sure my visible aggrivation made me look racist.

That and condscending liberals. I can't stand the hypocritical close to white man's burden censorship happy liberal guilt. It's insulting and they expect thanks, believe they are so great for it.

There is a spectrum of trashiness too. Uptight asshole (actually enjoys Martha's Vineyard owns salmon colored shorts), normal guy, slightly trashy (Ant is about here as are some pothead friends and guys working shit jobs on LI who I'm buddies with, fun to drink with guys), really trashy (girls Ant dates, woman who attacked him). White people aren't measured by their trash. On some level this outrage at him for reacting like he did, that's how liberals lump a minority with their worst.

I guess that's the other thing that pisses me off about this. Yeah what he said was racially charged but he was talking about those black people. It would be different if he didn't associate personally with any black people. He was assaulted, I would sound pretty racist if you took that, took jokes I've told as sound bites. Anyway I'm rambling and tired but this it just gets under my skin.

I'd love to know you as a friend.

My wife and I, both in our mid-40s, honeymooned on Nantucket recently.

Salmon colored shorts and blue blazers seemed to be the required unifom on the island! Neither my wife nor I own salmon colored shorts nor blue blazers! We're both white, and she's upper middle class and/or the very bottom of the 1%. I'm just a working class middle-aged man. I buy my underwear at K-mart or a fucking Hanes outlet.

I'm a liberal, and I completely appreciate your 2nd paragraph, especially the last sentence.

Yeah what he said was racially charged but he was talking about those black people. It would be different if he didn't associate personally with any black people. He was assaulted, I would sound pretty racist if you took that, took jokes I've told as sound bites. Anyway I'm rambling and tired but this it just gets under my skin.

You know those guilty white liberals are going to attack you for that, right? I mean, they think they're smarter than you & you just don't realize that you've been insulted. They'll gladly feign outrage on your behalf & then look for accolades because that makes them a better person in their mind and the minds of their fellow guilty white liberals.

IMO, Patrice kept Ant in line. Ant respected Patrice as a human being & took his views on race relations to heart. And Patrice was the FIRST person to call BULLSHIT on Anthony's "racially charged" (racist?) rants. Patrice didn't just call him out, he engaged him in conversation & forced Ant to reconsider his position. I'm not sure Patrice ever made Ant change his point of view, but he at least made him consider another point of view. The one thing I know about the Ant/Patrice relationship is that they always LISTENED to one another, at least on the air.

Ant started going off the rails racially when Obama was elected. He got further off the rails when de Blasio was elected mayor of NYC.

Ant loves to view himself as a defender of the Constitution, but he's a fucking hypocrite. He's all for for the 1st and 2nd Amendments, but has no problem if NYPD violates "THOSE PEOPLE'S" 4th Amendment rights. (NYC stop and frisk, largely targeted at black and brown people)

Yes, stop and frisk cuts down on crime, but it also violates our fundamental rights as free Americans. Ant (at least his on-air personality) has a blind spot there. Perhaps because he's never been stopped and frisked.

Hi Melissa.

Ummm. No.

I'm a 40 something dude, not a female fashion model.

I brought up Melissa because Ant started dating very young girls (17 years old is pretty fucking young) after he split with Melissa.

It's always white people that are "offended."

They're the ones obsessed with convincing other people how non-racist they are.

I've noticed that the black fans Ant manages to keep defend him with vigor. Maybe because they can appreciate him without guilt?

Not irony. Just common sense that usually isn't seen in my community. Glad there are people like her around. Now am not the only one.

That young African-American woman was very well spoken and a true hero amongst heroes. A prime example of what is right with people.

Oh that's good... God damn made my stomach hurt

JOhkHuR yEr a mAn OF lowEr StOck

I wonder why Anthony didn't talk to them? He probably thought they were going to make him look bad. In all honesty they did a good job, very neutral tone through out.

Sounds like he is willing to take legal action against SiriusXM. Hence the deleted tweets.

The best part of the slow zoom-in on the picture of Ant at 1:10 was seeing Norton slowly pop into frame.


Jesus dude, turn the fucking computer off and get some sleep

This was balanced, I'm actually starting to buy into the theory that this was a scheme to get out of Sirius.

But its not that horrible that he couldn't wait it out until Oct 4.

Great publicity

Peter Shankman needs a 2x4 to the neck.

No! He's my favorite ghostbuster!

Tweet that dumb cunt @petershankman

I fucking hate twitter and how it's used as a respectable source of information. He's said all this shit before, but it's only saying it on twitter that gets him lambasted.

If his opinion was abhorrent to SiriusXM and his behaviour was inconsistent with what they represent he would never of been fucking hired.

Also, enough with this fucking horse shit about Anthony not returning your calls. Bullocks.

Not bad at all, I expected that to be a lot worse.

Typo. It is fair and balanced

Is't cool.

God Petes a cunt.

Actually was completely fair, surprisingly.

Are there any other TV news coverage clips on this?

It's a shame they couldn't find any pictures of Anthony without a beer.

I would love to ejaculate on Alexandra Field.

Ol' Tony has said worse shit on that radio show dozens of times.

I love this piece, haha.

I'm pleasantly surprised! It didn't go for the pundit angle and condemned him right away without knowing half of the facts. Good segment.

What's the problem with it?

That guy at :55 seconds in has a very large head.

dat adam's apple


Excellent reporting.

I thought it was fair.


Hope he streams it on LFTC

How much do you want to punch that first guy they interviewed?