I still hate Anthony and the show but...

6  2014-07-06 by ApeRobot

Being a stern fan, I have to admit I enjoyed seeing people here cry and get all pissed off, but upon reflection, the chain of events that led to Anthony's firing is really pathetic. Gawker basically took tweets from someone who is know for offensive humor, and brought it to an audience that they knew would be offended. The pitchforks forced Sirius' hand in demanding and apology that Anthony admirably refused to give. As much as I think his words and beliefs are misguided, he didnt come out and lie about what he truly believes.

So yeah as much as I dont respect his product, this is a really sad situation. If you arent an opie and Anthony fan you dont listen to the show and it really shouldnt matter. The 700 level broacasts opinions more harmful to this society than any damage Anthony cumia could do. It would be one thing if Anthony was saying anything outside of what hed say on the radio, but he wasnt. It was only a problem till it was shown to people gawker knew it would offend. Anyway. Ramble over.

TLDR: I enjyed twisting some of your nipples yesterday, but after looking past my opinion of OandA, I feel this has been a shitty deal, andnits all due to gawker seeking clicks from pitchfork raisers.


Quite a few of us were Stern fans prior to Hamptons Howie and AGT Howie. Almost all of us before Artie left.

O&A was the edgier alternative, and we loved it. I for one visit both subreddits, and I appreciate your post even though it may get downvoted to obscurity.

Truth is, Ant has said stuff on Twitter 10x edgier and more racist in the past (and often). That faggot from gawker just finally noticed it.

As O&A fans, we all know Ant has problems with crazy black people. But, he dances a line between being a racist and not being one. He goes on these rants, but at the same time, black comedians love him, Patrice approved of his racism, he has actual black friends in real life that he hangs out with. Hell, a couple weeks ago he was hanging with T.I. in studio having a great time and T.I. called him a good guy despite the things he was saying. In fact, he liked Ant a lot.

It's shit luck, all it comes down to. If Gawker went after Howie in the 90s with Billy West/Marge and all the N bombs Howie dropped he would be fucked in this day too.

In fact, he liked Ant a lot.

Most people who are angry at Ant aren't black people. Most adult blacks know what the real problems are that they face, and insensitive guineas aren't one of them.

The people that get mad are little white guilt suburbanites that think they have White Man's burden to be the voice for black people (despite the fact that blacks have plenty of voice).

Your real name is Joey, isn't it?

No, my real name is shmoeyg. Says it right above the comment you goose.

I dont give a shit about karama, but I just wanted to throw my opinion out there after making a knew jerk reaction.

Theres no doubt Howard isnt what he was. But I try not to think of what was. I still laugh and he still gives good interviews. After artie it was tough but the show is better than that early post artie period.

I discovered o and a on a road trip arou d 2000. I thiught it was hilarious, in particular them playing Jesse jackson saying "stay out the bushes". Soon after they got syndicated to a station near me. I dont know what it was but the show lost me after a few years. It was just not entertaining to me. I still listen to stern, mostly old shows, but I accept its not what it was, never will be. There wil never be another golden age stern, because you just cant be edgy and mega popular. Sensitive people wont allow it. Im really stoned and I gotta stop typi g now.

"knew jerk"

This may be Vos.


There's more typos than that. Keep going!

You forgot to yell HOWARD STERNS PENIS!

Bababooey babaWE GET IT

That same pickledick from Gawker has also attacked Patton Oswald, of all people.


He's nothing but a shit stirrer.

As much as I hate Howard, if he got fired under similar circumstances, I'd think it was a weak, bitch move. Howard has done plenty of stuff just as offensive as Ant has in the past. This could just as easily have been him.

Yick. Stop patting yourself on the back for taking an interest to this situation. We don't want your self congratulatory sympathy. Douchebag.

You sound very intelligent


You've subscribed to the black and white mentality behind radio, if you like this show, then this other show is the enemy. You're acting like you've breached worlds because you believe there's an injustice being served to O&A. Can't you drop the foreigner, sympathizing with the enemy bullshit, there's very few great radio personalities out there, O&A are two, and Howard is one. They're not so different in the grand scheme of things.

Oh, and you sound like a snob. A pretentious snob on the internet, what's next, spray tans in New Jersey?

Learn to read, youve completely misunderstood what my intention was while cleary many understand fine. Secondly, your suggestion that opie and Anthony are howards equals is laughable.

*if you read my other comments, youd see that I was a listerner and fan of o and a but grew out of it.You come of as the exact type of o and a fan that lead me to come laugh at the misfortune in the 1st place: a complete dipshit who doesnt even realize theyre a dipshit.

You're kind of a dummy, aren't you? I didn't say they were equals Colbert, I said they both possess an ability to entertain, that not many people have. I'm glad you jumped ship. You're not making yourself look very good right now. And, for the record, you never mentioned anything about being a previous fan. On a side note, learn to write. Reading your stilted grammar is like licking cum out of Jim Norton's bellybutton. Yes, I used that hack Norton, I know you're too good for him.

You won't be able to sound anywhere as rational or logical or articulate. So go ahead and try, baby boy, tell me why I'm wrong. And try to "intelligent", since you clearly regard yourself to be higher than us lowlifes.

God youre dumb. Just keep posting, hipster o and a fan. Who knew that existed? Lol. You fuckin fag.

You sir, are a cunt. But I respect you

I am indeed a cunt. But yes, I felt it was necessary to admit I was wrong and face the people I mocked yesterday

I still love you ApeRobot. Never forget the tenderness of this moment.

Tssstsss ape robot, why not gape robot, with the dicks and.... Aww fuck it, go 'head Col


Bababooey babaWE GET IT

Learn to read, youve completely misunderstood what my intention was while cleary many understand fine. Secondly, your suggestion that opie and Anthony are howards equals is laughable.

*if you read my other comments, youd see that I was a listerner and fan of o and a but grew out of it.You come of as the exact type of o and a fan that lead me to come laugh at the misfortune in the 1st place: a complete dipshit who doesnt even realize theyre a dipshit.