Probably the most infuriating tweet I've ever read.

12  2014-07-05 by btm29


I don't get the logic of all this. He says Anthony violated her right to privacy, but she is in public and a core principle of ours (west) is you have no expectation of privacy in public. Another core principle is the only justification for violence is to protect yourself or others from violence but this guy says the violence was justified.

Another principle of Americans I always admired was that although the KKK was considered to be a sick organisation (or the Westboro Babtist Church), they were still allowed to march and that as long as the protests were peaceful it was important to protect that core principle, but this guy is saying bigots are not to be tolerated (even if I agreed, who decides who the bigot is?) and violence is justified against them.... but that is the exact definition of bigotry (as is saying I must hate woman and black people all of a sudden because I think victim shaming is wrong).

I'd say something about pots meeting kettles but I'm afraid for how it could be twisted to justify violence against me.

Crazy, isn't it? Instead of holding someone responsible for their own actions, many give them all the excuses in the world, and blame the person who was attacked for provoking said violence. It's like blaming a bank for bank robberies. "Why would he be out taking pictures anyways" "Why would banks hold so much money anyways"

Those are why he is wrong. Case closed. No two ways about it. He is a dummy and a waterhead.

Blindly not tolerating people that you've incorrectly labelled bigots is, ironically, bigotry.


If two paragraphs is too long, then you can't read.

is that so

I'm totally convinced now that liberal PC witchhunts are the biggest obstacle to achieving a respectful honest public conversation about race which i believe is the only way to achieving true racial harmony.

I really credit Patrice for forming my mindset about race.

I actually tried to bring this up about Patrice's views and some girl who follows him said "please just stop. I've met Patrice"
Patrice hated her guts I can guarantee that.


Nigger, don't be afraid to say it.


You're afraid to say it too. Prove me wrong by telling us your real name and/or filming yourself saying it in public.

Yeah but you're a pussy too, otherwise you'd film yourself including your home address, name, social security card number, mother's maiden name, etc. Fuck you

I never said I wasn't a pussy.

I'll do it, you nigger

He has 95,000 tweets.

Don't hate the playa, hate the game.

"I'm so correct that people who disagree with me must be stupid or evil"

-Modern Internet 'Liberalism'

You just included the word 'liberalism' for no reason.

Really? I feel like its a far far left movement that is behind the idea of "reality has a liberal skew" and other such mentalities.

I went back and forth with him. He said she had the right to attack him for invading her privacy. I asked then if you're in the frame of anyone's picture in public you should just go up and punch them on the face? His response was "why not?" Which got about five favorites and a few retweets from his followers. Boggles my mind.

Technically Ant is the member of the Press right? So this faggot thinks anyone can just clock a news photographer?

Ant was right.

I worded it along the lines of like crossing paths with anyone holding a camera, you end up in their picture yeah, he thinks you have the right then to punch that person.... It's irrefutable logic, really.

Cool. I'm going to start knocking photographers on their asses and cite this guy.

Please do. He is the person we should all turn to for wisdom and advice.

Looking at his other tweets, he uses the word brutal to describe ants tirade but not the violence ant experienced? The word play is mind numbing, I can't read this shit it's infuriating.

Another zilch, trying to cash in on somebody else's name.

Who is this N person and why should I care what he says?

It's Darry LA, Yo.


Some nobody webcomic artist.

stop feeding trolls.

Man does that guy ever make it easy to hate black ppl.

Just as bad as the folks he rails on about.

Remember boys and girls, no matter the group, there will always be illogical dipshits. It's a fact of life. People are dumb. I'd like to think we're a notch above people like him, but regardless, every walk of life has a moron.

But enough about Kenny

Damn, guess I learned a little something about myself today.

Now I can really focus my efforts.

It's nothing compared to your sex offenses.

Keep in mind, this is the same guy who tweeted this.

Flawless Victory.

don't let it bother you, that's how they win

anyways he's not wrong about my thoughts on black people

Let me guess, you like them a whole lot, right?

Haha wtf, did someone hack his twitter?

He's now tweeting about Ant being God?

"All hail The Lord of heaven and earth, Anthony Cumia, the wisest and most benevolent god ever to be worshipped!!!!!!"

That was his most recent tweet.

I want to believe he finally came to his senses, but I detect sarcasm in his tweets.

ARGH, i regret clicking on this you fuck! What a fucking dumb generalisation. That's just like saying 'all blacks like fried chicken', the fucking silly nothing.

Whoa! Silly nothing? WHO ARE YOU CALLING 'YOU PEOPLE?'

The fans are doing a good job refuting his arguments. Great job guys.

Seriously, did someone really try the "he had a black friend once" thing?

Reading those tweets makes me understand all the years of them saying the callers suck.

People of Walmart proves that "privacy in public" is a thing that doesn't exist.


2014-07-05 14:45:28 UTC

If you're mad that Anthony Cumia lost his job, you are a misogynist and a racist. No two ways about it. You hate black people and women.

[Mistake?] [Suggestion] [FAQ] [Code] [Issues]

If this later tweet was posted here pre july 3rd it would have probably been upvoted like crazy on this sub.


Who's this cunt?

I'm surprised nobody has pointed out that the guy (@darylyo) probably has AIDS so his opinion is meaningless.

I find it amazing that this art wannabe hasn't heard of street photography. Photographing people is fair game in a public space.


You're afraid to say it too. Prove me wrong by telling us your real name and/or filming yourself saying it in public.

Don't hate the playa, hate the game.