What would happen IF....

13  2014-07-05 by shaqfan99

Ant took a page from George Costanza (and Larry David) and just shows up to work like nothing happened?

In light of the twitter deletions....it would be very funny.

Since so few people that hate the show listen to the show, it might not even compute for a while.

If nothing else, he should just show up to the building to collect some things, just for the photo op of being escorted out by security.


That'd be the funniest thing ever


Then he'll take the stairs! (and have another heart attack)

Considering they are still have his name all over the website and Facebook it wouldn't shock me if he was still cleared for entry Monday am.

Haha fuckin this. He would become worldwide famous if he did this and documented it on twitter. If he has no intention of trying to get back in and is about to start a podcast this is the play. Free publicity.

I don't know...reading this subreddit makes it seem like only people who hate the show listen.

He won't make it past Security.

Next . . .

You seem like a fun guy.