0  2014-07-05 by SinisterExxaggerator


Don't think this will change anything, but what can it hurt? If anything it will continue to send the message that SiriusXM made a huge mistake by firing Anthony.

I live in Ireland & can't get Sirius is there any point in me signing it?

pump up that number

How come it changed from needing 1, 000 to 5, 000?

I dunno. Just sign the damn thing jerky. My guess is 5000 looks a hell of lot better than 1000. It also translates into potential $$$ lost.

Already signed :)

every time it reaches a goal,say 2000, it resets to a higher one.

these petitions are garbage and even if they weren't no one is gonna take one seriously by a guy named FRrrrrrruuunkis Chipperson. I know the pests love bombarding with cocks and gore but sometimes you gotta be civil. That's why the canceling of subscriptions is gonna make SiriusXM notice.

no one is gonna take one seriously by a guy named FRrrrrrruuunkis Chipperson.

Why not? The substance of the petition and the number of signers is what counts, not whether the creator wants to maintain his privacy or not.

What's that?

I agree with you, but what can it hurt? It's just another way to reinforce the message.

What's that?

Danny Ross

Darn. I was hoping this was a petition to have him Sparta kicked into an active volcano. My hopes have been dashed.

I dunno. Just sign the damn thing jerky. My guess is 5000 looks a hell of lot better than 1000. It also translates into potential $$$ lost.

every time it reaches a goal,say 2000, it resets to a higher one.