FIRED. Fired. So Fired.

0  2014-07-05 by sidewalkchalked


What's funny to me about all this stuff is when stories like this get posted and get a lot of attention on Reddit, the top voted comments always seem to be stuff straight out of a classic Cumia rant.

Right. Only difference is the cowardice of anonymity. So it's ok if you lack the balls to use your real name, but not if you stand by what you say?

I guess the point I'm trying to make is that Ant's views are actually a lot more widespread than I imagine sometimes. I would think Reddit would be a bastion for shutting people like Ant's beliefs down but you see a lot of comments like that one, even when shit hits the front page.

The tide is changing. Even guilty white people are waking up to the realization black people are to blame for their own problems.

