At least this lady is happy

7  2014-07-05 by -AstroNOT


Omg he spread his anger across a large number of people who read his twitter feed. Crucify him. I spread my anger to people who follow me on twitter (all 32 of them) too. Should i be reprimanded?

What is your employer's contact info? This is America. You aren't allowed to work unless you are nice to everyone.*

*not applicable to straight, white, Christian/agnostic males.

I dont know you. im logging off reddit. PRANK CALLER PRANK CALLER!


/pol/ is always right.

Her first name is also an adjective for her twat

I have a sneaking suspicion that she's not really all that happy anymore.

Be nice guys

Shes that wrong you know...

I don't really think anything she said is all that unreasonable.

Even if you think Ant is a racist prick, nothing he says or does affects anyone who does not volunteer to listen to him. From twitter to the radio show, you actually have to sign up, and in the later case pay money, to fucking hear him speak. So she is being totally unreasonable for thinking that she gets to say who should/shouldn't have "access to a radio show".