"Opie's on WBAB" theme song for Monday?

10  2014-07-05 by UncPa57yrzyng


I listened to this song twice yesterday and now it's fucking stuck in my head ALL day! It's so douchey in a hilarious Dirk Diggler way, just imagining Ope head banging to himself before he goes on the air thinking about how crazy and wild he is. uUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH douche chills! I hope after the Rage music this is the first thing that hits on monday though, I'd laugh so hard.


some will be amused, some will be abused, some will be offended by the language that he used


Totally demented but cannot be prevented, Opie's on the radio all twisted and tormented!

Man! This guy is out there!

Oh god, stopping the music for the "Who's This?" line was sickening.

C'mon man, this stuff was the shit back then. Everything sucked in retrospect.

I don't think this garbage was ever "the shit".

Ever wonder why Opie is oblivious when he steps on others on the show? It's because this mindset has never left Opie's mind. Even after years have passed, Opie imagines his listeners sitting wide-eyed at his acerbic tongue and devastatingly brutal social insight.

Twisted and tormented? Watch out, boy! Playing this song might get ya canned!

Douche chills don't begin to describe this song. Catchy, though.