Updated buzzfeed article

4  2014-07-05 by bushwater



you're both right. Anthony told two different tales. The reporter is referring to the first one. you are referring to his second version of events.

The comments are amazing. It's hilarious how people think the posted picture is the picture that set her off. That's Ant photographing the woman who's about to go off on him.

Or that a native New Yorker wouldn't walk around and take photos in NY unless they were specifically looking for trouble. Don't any of these people own cameras? Not everyone books a trip to Yosemite or Paris before even thinking of taking their camera outside.

And, as expected, "the fans" aren't helping. And by "fans", I mean the ones who posted exactly what Buzzfeed, et al, want to see & hear, to further bolster their cause. Or SJW sock puppets.

Both are lies. The point is he was being a creep and got caught.