Why I'm optimistic about Anthony deleting his twitter posts

21  2014-07-05 by UncPa57yrzyng

  1. Anthony was at the blackjack table at a casino less then an hour before he deleted his tweets. So only something urgent would make him get up from the table and go delete all of his tweets. Perhaps a phone call from his agent telling him that Sirius has taken a big hit and they'll change it to a suspension if he deletes his tweets.

  2. Opie has been twitter dark all day, say what you want about the guy but he isn't a corporate shill listening to a gag order. He's got to have been doing something all day, planning his next move, or perhaps on the phone with Don Wicklund and Sirius lawyers trying to save Ant's job. If he thought it was over he would've tweeted something.

  3. Jimmy hasn't heard anything about what the future will be from the bababababababababababbabababbaababbababbababababbababbabababbababababbababbabbabbababbababababbababbabbbabababbababbabbabbabbabbbababbbababbabbaababbabababababbababababbabababababababababababababababaabbbabababababbaabbababababaabbabaabbaaababababbababbababaabababababbababababababbababbababababbabbaboys because Opie is fighting the good fight and is hoping nothing will have to change, and Anthony is saying fuck you to the man.

So I'm pretty optimistic.


Could equally be something very lame and legality related.

That is what I am thinking, Radio personalitys always burn bridges in a big way when moving on so I am sure there are plenty of stipulations in his contract that could stop it from being payed out in full if he acts up to much.

I'd be surprised if he had a contract that could be terminated without warning though

For sure, I ment they probably gave him a warning that his actions are nearing where they can dock a percentage of his remaining pay for encouraging subscribers to cancel with all his retweeting or something along those lines so he deleted them.

considering stern sued (and lost) to get his proper bonus, I don't doubt the cheapness of the company

He never deserved that bonus. It was all in his over inflated head.

True, very true, but all the pieces fit in my scenario and I'm hoping for the best.

Opie is definitely plotting something. Say what you want about him, but he's loyal to the show and to the staff. If he does go back on the air, I expect he will 'phone it in' until October. He's not going to walk off the show and breach his contract, but he will definitely go to bat for Ant and do whatever damage control he can.



wha happen??

who's is this?!

Tha .. thats terrible .. im sorry

ohhh you mean steve the guy who tried to sell them their own content back yeah i guess in his situation you would have been fine with that

You mean the content that he hosted and paid the bandwidth fees for free?

I agree, and really Ant didn't say anything worse that Troy did when they got back from JFL. He got to keep his job

Opie himself has made it obvious that Anthonys racist tirades make him uncomfortable. Opie would be in a position that if he was to break his contract he would suffer a financial penalty. I assume this because if he and Anthony were/are truly tired of all the "shit" at SiriusXM, they both would have walked by now if it weren't for financial penalties for early termination of their contracts.

Opie and Jimmy wont walk out on their contract with only 3 months left. A good friend of mine and I were talking about it, and he put it this way.... Dont you think Opie knows a great way to get "Fired"? That would be an easy way to get out of the contract. I personally hope that they show up every day for the next 3 months, sign on the air, and just read newspapers silently for 4 hours every day. That would be fantastic... just the sound of crinkling paper and the occasional throat clear, or slight chuckle. Either way, Im seeing how this plays out, then canceling my subscription since they are the only show I use XM for.

And it may just be childish, but when Im on the phone canceling, and they start trying their pitch to keep me, Im going to give it the old, "Im sorry, I think your phone is cutting out....Hello? Are you there? go ahead....I HEARD YOU!!!!!!!!"

I agree Opie will likely phone it in for the next 3 months but they can't alienate their listeners because they need to keep it entertaining so that the casual fans follow them to their next medium. Obviously the hardcore listeners will but thats probably a smaller chunk than the casual listener who only takes a peek.

I was thinking about them going that route too. Or they could just let Bobo babble on air for the next 3 months, with help from Chip Chipperson.

What's that?

Lady di/bobo show for 3 months...

Did you check the list of articles about Anthony that's stickied to the top of the sub? Every single one of them has "RACIST HOST" in the headline. There is little room for nuance. Corporate suits aren't going to delve into details and reverse their decision. Some bridges cannot be uncrossed.

In this tough job market no executive is going to stick their neck out and vouch for a guy that was already out the door anyway.

Some people are really in denial that O&A is over. Done.

we just need to bring sxm down with them

Yeah, fired is fired.

I like to think the deleted tweets have to do with a certain black streetwalker with a story to tell...

Reverend Al is a racist host and SXM has no problems keeping him employed.

no no no, you have it all wrong. Only white people can be racist.

Yep, before he was actually fired, there were only about 25 publications that were running with this racist story. Now that he's fired, it's all over every publication. When the firing is bigger than the reason for the firing, it's tough to back down from that.

pretty sure that was a old casino pic he took a while ago.

He wasn't actually in Atlantic City at the time. He just posted the chips as a rebuttal to a hater.

What's that?

he wasnt there, people were gloating about him being fired saying how shitty he must be feeling so he posted pictures of his rich fancy man life it was the one with the poker ships, one of his new jaguar and one of some girls in his pool

ITT: contract specialists

This sub is really grasping for straws lol

I honestly don't want a neutered Anthony back on the show. If he's not allowed to be exactly who he was before all this shit went down, it's not a good thing at all.

If the one caveat to get I'm back is to never talk about the cunt that hit him and this whole situation, then I'd be fine with that. Let him go back to do the show he was doing but just agree to never speak of this incident again. Like the show that never happened.

Since I read the comments about the silver back suing him, I've had a bad gut feeling that may be the case. Lets hope not, that animal should get nothing.

No idea if this is still true, their original contract at XM had a clause that they could not be forced to do the show solo - if still in force Opie at least has a way out - hello Morning Jam with Jim and Sam


if he was suspended then sure, but he was fired, you don't unfire someone overnight... that's just unheard of in corporate shit America, so I'm thinking ant just lawyed up , every lawyers first advice is don't say anything to anyone, in twitter world that means NUKE the account

WWE unfired someone in less than 24 hours. I think it might've been 2-3 actually. Just a few days ago. They put out a public release saying a wrestler was released (for shoplifting). Then one a few hours later saying they were bringing her back.

It's possible.

More likely related to his contract and ensuring he gets paid out. A smart attorney probably told him to shut up and don't mess up the several hundred thousands Sirius should be paying him.


Opies plot six am pre show music.....your moms box...radio silence

Here's hoping twitter just blew up from all the "Happy 4th of July" tweets, because weird technical shit is happening all over twitter right now. I checked a person's twitter profile hours earlier and they didn't have tweets - then it was back to normal when I checked that same profile again.

If we have learned one thing about Sirius from O&A it is that when Sirius commits to something, they don't reverse it.

O&A is over on Sirius. Podcast or terrestrial is the future. Tbh if they went terrestrial again they would be huge.

Yeah like when Sirius committed to remodel the studio 67 times? Suck my sweaty hog.

They never committed

....when did we learn that? Like at what big instance? I don't think Sirius has ever fired anyone before over content.

Lets ask Danny and Troy how they are doing

Danny is a piece of shit.

Troy is still employed with O&A.

And Danny was fired for being a dick to an exec over wanting to bring a hooker to a company event. Not any content shit.

Big hit hahahah, how fucking delusional are you? Embarassing.

What 'big hit' could SiriusXM have possibly taken?

The O&A listenership isn't that large in terms of the entire subscriber base; and among that listenership, only a handful (if that) of diehard fans and unreconstructed racists are actually going to cancel their subscriptions. The rest don't give a fuck. They'll just go listen to something else in the morning.

I can promise you, SiriusXM knew how many cancellations they could expect on average before firing Ant . . . and the actual number is undoubtedly a lot less than that initial estimate.

And by the way, how do you save someone's job after they've lost it?

You don't have to be a racist to cancel a subscription because the only thing you listen to is gone. In the days of ipods and mp3 players, no one gives a fuck about pre programmed music. And how exactly would you know what their subscriber base is? Don't give so much credit to a company that goes through staff and leadership like nothing. Siriusxm is dying.

They were checkin the numbas. I dont think people cancelling it because of anthony's firing is gonna make up a lot of their subscribers

They may be dying, but they know how many customers they have.

If they thought about it like you did, that only a tiny percent of o&a fans would cancel, then they're going to be proven wrong. Whether people agree with Ant or not, this is exactly what the boys have been railing on for years and it's in all our heads.


They probably thought "We could keep the same audience and rebrand the show around Opie and Jimmy" because they aren't programmers or fans and don't know that O&A fans aren't the same as Morning Mashup Fans, where they could just fire any of those guys and bring in someone else and the show would be the same and no one would notice or care. Now marketing is wondering how they'll brand the show without "O&A," customer service is getting a bunch of dick pics and thousands of cancellations, and comedians are pulling there bits from the comedy channels. They could wait for the media firestorm to pass over in a month, re-hire/reinstate him then, and the fans are happy and Sirius XM gets their subscribers back.

You do realize, don't you, that none of that is going to happen.

Ant was fired yesterday, and he's going to stay fired.

Troy is still employed with O&A.

Danny is a piece of shit.

And Danny was fired for being a dick to an exec over wanting to bring a hooker to a company event. Not any content shit.