In defense of those who haven't defended.

5  2014-07-05 by PorcelainStew

I've seen people here throw a lot of names around about who has and hasn't jumped to Ant's defense. I just want to throw the thought out there that I'm sure not everyone even knows he was fired, I've seen Bill Burr brought up for example, but his latest tweet was 12 hours ago. This is day one of the firing, and I don't always know everything on the news, or even in my friends lives that happens on the first day and I'm sure the same goes for the rest of you. Food for thought, before we start crucifying people.


bill doesnt follow op or ant so of course he wouldnt know right off

plus billy redballs likes his drinkin iirc so hes probably preoccupied

in other words the 4th of july is exactly the wrong day to expect a defensive tweet from mr burr

Also, It's the Fourth of July.

Fuck Sandy Kane...where was she when the show needed her? Off being ugly, that's where.

I'm sure that plenty of friends of the show have voiced their support privately but don't have the balls to do it publicly.

Let us not forget that Bill Burr,on his podcast,defended Penn state saying they shouldn't have to loose their trophies for covering up child rape.

It's one of biggest things on the Internet at the moment. They all know by now unless they're out of the country with no phone.

number one trending topic on Facebook.

They finally went viral.

Somebody, for the love of God, check Ope's numberrrrrrrrrz.

Just had to give you props for that flair.

facebook bases those trends on what your cookies and browser history tells them, so for you it's likely opie and anthony news and gay pornography


I think they're waiting for all these social justice clicktivists to get back to their shitty boring lives come monday.

Lol,now ur anger downvoting everyone cuz ur embarrassed of how stupid ur comment was.


That'll show him.
