Can some you guys who are about to cancel please record the call and the script they are reading?

4  2014-07-04 by [deleted]


asked me why i was canceling. Told them its the only show i listened to. they noticed my subscription was set to expire/renew next month. offered me 1 yr for like 86 dollars (or around there). I said no. they said a refund for the remaining balance will be out 7-10 days. guy also said that if i want to turn my radio back on their will be an activation fee........truth be told, i was going to cancel anyway in the next couple weeks and wait for them to send me a really good offer as ive done the last couple yrs. this time i dont know if i will resubscribe eventually. i dont see the show getting renewed and im not even sure the current format will last with jim out as much as he is lately for gigs and shooting his show.

edit=proof for the fuck boy messaging me saying im lying lol

Opie and Denny in the morning!

I have a feeling that a lot of people are claiming that they cancelled but they are lying or never had a subscription in the first place. Hope I'm wrong.

Yeah this is where it kind of hurts that so many O&A listeners didn't even use the SXM service to listen to the show.

Sorry but poverty hurts even worse and you ain't paying my XM bill.


Um why? The customer service rep is either not going to ask any questions and just cancel, or they're going to ask a supervisor who has something for them to say. They have no power or insight on the situation, they're just people on the phone.

in one of the thread's here there were some ordinary cancellation's but there were also several where Sirius seems to be in damage control mode

anyways there were several interesting ones.

Just record it and maybe it's interesting and maybe it's not.

Stop pluralizing with apostrophes.

you know I didn't even realize I was doing that