Conspiracy time!

0  2014-07-04 by Buck8407

Ok, so I feel like this whole Ant being fired thing is a little fishy considering the timing. It is no surprise that none of the guys on the show are happy with their current situation at Sirius. Money aside, they have mentioned time and time again how the company won't let them do anything. And that the current bit is "10 days without an apology." Then there is the fact that their contract renewal is up this fall. And the fact that despite his rants, Ant is the smartest and most knowledgable one on the show, if you listen to past shows he is always the one that says legally what they can and can't do, and what they can and can't say. So for him to explode on twitter like this with racial comments, while not the first time he has done it, he most likely knew the outcome.

In conclusion I wouldn't be surprised if this was his way out of his contract, and we may be seeing Opie and jimmy following suit soon in their own way. Or this is a way of showing Sirius just how many listeners they have to make it easier for contract negotiations. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to find out that Anthony knows the girl in the picture and this was another one of their bits.

Or I'm just an idiot, I'm sure the rest of you will let me know.


It was the Haarp System that got Anthony fired.


Spiracy Spiracy Spiracy Spiracy Spiracy Spiracy

Check the Black woman for thermite.

This post is meant for /r/conspiratard gtfo

ENOUGH with the fucking retarded conspiracy posts.


What the fuck does the tea party have to do with anything?

You're a stupid liberal cunt.


Spoken like a true stupid liberal cunt.

THE stupidest people are the liberal media. Have you not been paying attention? The View are not dumb cunts, but everyone who's stupid is in the tea party?

My god, you're an ignorant cunt.


You're just dumb. I would have accepted me being an idiot. That is fine, but then you start with your dumb liberal bullshit rant about me being a "tea party" supporter. I'm not, I don't support anyone because no one has us in their best interest when they get to the level where they can change anything. You are just as bad as anthony if not worse, because at least he says how he feels. Go suck Al Gores dick you fucking left wing nobody.


Hahahahahaha! We fight like 5 year olds. I make a suck a dick come back, and you make a "nice one" comment. Wow. I should invite you to my birthday party.


You know your not. Come over and will have pizza and cake. You know you don't have a life outside of me.


God, it's like we are dating. How did this happen? We used to be so happy together.

Spiracy Spiracy Spiracy Spiracy Spiracy Spiracy