This Whole Anthony Thing Was Planned

0  2014-07-04 by [deleted]

I've seen a few other people allude to this, but my first instinct on hearing the Anthony story/firing was that it was planned all along.

Their contract is about to be up, Tim Sabean's gone, and they just had a meeting with upper management. Upper management probably doesn't support them much, and they didn't offer O&A the money, time, and benefits they wanted.

Just like when they did the April-Fools-Mayor-Hoax to get out of their contract, they wanted to go out in a blaze. This is what they do, and this is what they're good at.

When they discussed how to create a splash, they knew this would be the perfect thing... Anthony's racism. Anthony has no problem being public about it, they knew it would create a firestorm, they knew it would rally their fan-base, and they knew Sirius would have to fire Anthony.

What the boys future plans are is still unclear. But if they do plan to reunite on a different format or podcast in the future, this whole saga will bring them much more publicity when they do.


You fucking rube.

I'm sure in a few years Opie will say it was planned like he does the Mayor stunt.

since Opie joked "this might be our last show on xm" or whatever he said exactly... i'm on this bandwagon

Even though I don't think it's a work, I do still think they'd be able to pull something like that off though.

Do you watch a lot of movies by any chance?

Gotta admit, the stink of conspiracy does seem to be hanging in the air. I mean Sirius fired Ant via email how many hours after all this went down? The twitter response from the rest of the O&A crew has been somewhat underwhelming, too. I understand they probably don't want to endanger themselves or get embroiled in this any more than necessary, but I would expect more of a reaction than what we can see.

I mean taking pictures in time square I mean c'mon wtf, this was planned

O&A (specifically Opie) were so full of shit about the Boston mayor hoax being a work, they were fired legit & didn't want to get fired. With that being said, this is more likely to be a work than anything in the past. I'm assuming Opie, Ant and Jim will still be paid the remaining left on their contract.

It would be the biggest work of all time


Hey. He's got questions.

... spiracy

I think this may be a possibility. The information in the Gawker story was spot-on, it made me think that it came from the inside. My first hunch was that Opie or Danny Ross threw Ant under the bus. But it's possible that they just wanted to go out in a blaze of glory, rather than wait for their contract to come up for renegotiation and get another pay cut.