Well this sucks.

9  2014-07-04 by EskimoEscrow

No matter how this all plays out, things will never be the same.


blame the social justice warriors / shit progressive media. They nearly axed Top Gear (one of my favourite shows) and now the only radio show that was still worth listening to. Direct the hate at them.

Top Gear's way too big for the BBC to can, each episode will average around 350 million views worldwide eventually. That was never going to happen.

I think I remember reading they've just signed the show on for another 2 series as well.

They nearly fired Clarkson for much less than what Ant has said. He was one of the few personalities that was both funny and a thorn in the liberal media's side.

Although Top Gear is much bigger than O&A. I do feel that the same type of people target both of them and try to make people who like and defend both shows out to be the "bad guys".

Fucking spineless Sirius brass, just had to weather the 4th weekend and all would've likely blown over. Lib media would've moved far onto the next twitter teacup storm or shitbag Hollywood groveller on their knees begging for their career.

fuck sake

I'm so glad I only have to see what you say instead of hear it, again, and again. Fuck off with your politics. He should not have been fired, but your acceptance, blindness, and or nonchalance about an angry racist drunk, In a very public place blurting out his narcissistic hate speech, makes you look like the same. It's all good to treat a race of people like trash, but not ok for a company to protect their assets. Are you fucking kidding me? Ant fucked the fuck up, it was nobody's fault but his. I have listened for 11 years daily, and will continue with what comes next, but I absolutely disagree with using his platform of sirius to push his agendas of hate. LFTC is where that shit belongs, and now he can do that.

Completely agree. Fuck you GCharlie.

Itll be better. They were stagnating. If they go out on their own they will have more freedom. Exciting times

The best thing that could have happened to the show would have been for them to get on podcasting 5 years ago. Better late than never. Now they can say whatever the fuck they want.