A black fist ended the Opie and Anthony show.

61  2014-07-04 by UncPa57yrzyng

And it wasn't Howard's shitty logo.


It seems as though o&a fans blame the black chick for getting anthony fired. They fired him for his wording on twitter, not for the actual incident.

exactly. like i get the joke, haha funny. but anthony ended his own career. had she hit him and he talked about it without using it as a starting point for another race rant, he'd still have his job.

Well said, and right now the pests are in a panic because they know exactly why Ant got fired. So they are throwing around the word free speech and trying to make Ant seem like a realist instead of a racist.

Nah, his job and the whole show was already a fucking powder keg waiting to kick off... he was constantly ranting and raving and it was always only a matter of time before someone somewhere became offended, started a facebook or twitter campaign, and brought the show to a screeching stop.

I'm surprised it lasted this long.

Free speech is dead and it has been for quite a while now.

Free speech is alive and well. You can say whatever you want but that doesnt mean there won't be repercussions. If Ant is employed by Sirius then he has to abide by their terms. It's rather simple.

No one is stopping Ant or anyone else from tweeting whatever they want. This has nothing to do with free speech.

I think it's the double standard that has most people really upset. It's not that they don't know what Ant said was poorly veiled racism. It's more that the story would be about the attacker if it happened to Al Sharpton and he went on Twitter to rant about White Devils committing hate crimes all over and that it's the Republicans fault. He'd probably get a raise instead of being fired.

They knew the show was controversial when they bought it for their platform. They were known as shock jocks without any kind of filter. Then they fire one of the guys for saying something he's said a million times before on their very platform. It's just hypocritical of the company. Why even keep them and promote them as an unfiltered show that says shocking and controversial stuff if you're going to fire a guy for saying something controversial?

He may have said it on the air, but it's different when you're a celebrity involved in an altercation and go on to tweet about it. It's much easier to reproduce tweets and they'll get attention because they're part of an incident involving a celebrity in a physical altercation, which people always want to read about. Cue the dozens of media outlets calling/emailing the suits and asking them "how do YOU defend what your employee said here?" and it quickly transcends the kind of simplicity needed to call it hypocrisy.

Free speech is dead and it has been for quite a while now.

Holy shit! When did the First Amendment get repealed?

I don't think people are blaming her. She took part in setting things in motion but none of it is her fault. She's just guilty of assault.

I dont know.. I didnt associate 'animal' and 'savage' with being black. I just thought he really hated women that punched him in the face.

"They aren't people"? Come on stop trying to defend him. He's a good guy but he was wrong.

sorry, i shouldve added /s for those that dont comprehend sarcasm.

No I just expect to hear these things from o&a fans. I had no idea you were a reasonable person.

its ok. we are best friends now

Ant absolutely equates those terms to black people. I don't think he's ever called a white person that. Jim has though.

2 comments down.

I find that the most amazing part.... some unknown black chick has ended a satellite radio show... cost Sirius millions and likely a few jobs.

unknown black chick

She's gonna have her own reality show after this is all over

I bet Jim Norton already fucked that tranny.

I can't wait to hear her side because I already find her infinitely more credible than Anthony.

"I was just taking random pictures of scaffolding"


Go back to 1985 Howard fag

so lets gloss over his stupid rant on twitter, he is the one who got something to lose, instead of reporting to the police he decided to call "theyre kind" animals on twitter well done Ant, just screwed over Opie and Jimmy.

How was he to assume he would get shit canned for saying nothing he hasn't been paid millions by Siriusxm to say? Racist Ant is my least favorite Ant but this didn't come out of left field. They signed checks over to him when he has been fairly consistent about it, it doesn't matter if you don't like him this was fairly standard language when the mikes were on. To fire him for what he said when the mikes were off is ridiculous.

EDIT and before someone jumps in with the point that it is different because when the mikes were on it can be written off as a bit, bullshit. You obviously weren't following him during the Trayvon case or hear him one of the many times he chose to discuss Chicago. The first LFTC I saw was him watching black people act like thugs for an hour where he just made fun of them. The only difference here is the news picked it up this time.

funny thing is if he said this over the radio no one would have give 2 shits about it, he have said worse I know it doesnt make sense but he played with fire for quite a while. oh well fun while it lasted.

How did he screw over Opie and Jimmy? They are both still under contract and employed. Also, they have both spoken about their desire to leave the show at the end of their contract in October. It seems that they all win, but with a bit more excitement than expected.

How did America come to this?

There is a weird poetic justice about a black chick attacking ant and that leading to the show ending. I'm pissed but you can't write this shit.

It couldn't have ended better, in my opinion. This is way funnier than the boys just not re-signing their contracts, trying a podcast, becoming disillusioned with the lack of money or attention, and quickly fading away into obscurity.

The only shitty part is that we were all pretty sure they would resign, so its sad that we will miss a few more years of O&A, but it really couldn't be a better scenario. We all know Ant hates the shitheads in black culture way more than the shitheads in white culture.... and he went out with a bang.

Is the show over? If Ant is fired but Op and Jim aren't, aren't they still under contract?

It's irony, not justice. Justice would be that black cunt being discovered dead in a sewer grate.

I bet you're a real peach at parties.

Anthony has no one to blame but himself. No one would have known that an incident even took place if not for him. Also his rant served no purpose. He didn't file a police report, he didn't post a picture showing damage to him or his property, he didn't post anything except a blurry pic of a black chick and endless juvenile insults.

Anthony is probably the funniest guy on the show so this sucks balls and I hope this is just a temporary firing. But right now i'm honestly still pissed at him for fucking the show up for the fans and everyone that works there.

If you've read any of the posts from Ben Sparks or Danny Ross, you get the impression that Ant is an insanely selfish man-child who's only looking out for himself. So, yeah, it sucks. But not a huge surprise.

If there's one person with an unbiased insight into Anthony Cumia, it's Danny Ross.

You do know those aren't really Ben or Danny, right? Danny even confirmed on his Twitter it wasn't him posting on this sub.


Also his rant served no purpose.

bleeep blooop what are emotions what is human behavior bleep bloop

Shock jock hired to say shocking things. Shock jock says shocking things, gets fired.

No different than Mayor Menino / Sex for Sam / Homeless Charlie, etc

There's a difference when you say shocking things on the radio for entertainment purposes, to get a laugh, or to get a reaction out of listeners so they call in. When you are in your personal life just spouting off shit you put the company that employs you in a position to have to either support what you are saying or disassociate from you to protect the company image/shareholder interests. When he's in the studio saying shit he can say he is just being a radio personality doing a bit. When he's at home, he's more responsible for his comments. It's weird that it's easier to be fired from something you said/did not at work but that's how it is.

Social media wasn't really around for any of that. Brucie handled the mayor. Sex for Sam, yeah, well... I can see being fired for that one. Homeless Charlie? It's a bit.

After reading the hit piece on Gawker, it seems like that writer was doing everything he can to prove Ant is a racist, but what's the point? He went as far back as the OJ song on The Opie Show. What is, for lack of a better term, the "social media generation's" obsession with political correctness? Most of the comments over at Gawker were outraged that someone like him was able to be employed for so long. At the end of the day, they're only words (unless the allegations of battery by the woman are true) and Anthony has never really acted on anything he says. I don't see him leading Klan rallies or publishing manifestos. The listeners chose to listen to him, and make up their own minds.

This obsession with sensitivity and political correctness will be the death of our popular culture. This Aleksandr Chan fellow over at Gawker doesn't seem like he's willing to defend and discuss the hit piece he wrote. This whole thing of his "sordid history" being dredged up is nothing more than opportunistic muckraking. This time, the cannon was pointed at Ant. It's just beating the drum for the Gawker hivemind. They won't even remember him by Tuesday.

I want to hear Jay Mohr's take on this, however, with his show becoming a hit for ClearChannel, he would be wise not to touch this. Can't say that's a bad move.

Thoughtful reply.


Well, I wouldn't wish harm on any other person, but I see your point.

You're right -- it's this desire to ONLY do good and ONLY help other people that has eliminated competition from American society. You can't be better than anyone else at something, you'll hurt their feelings. I suck at drawing and know it, so tell me my drawings suck. I could write a lot right now but I can't quite get my thoughts together enough to be cohesive. It goes back to the whole bullying fiasco. Yes, bullies suck. Yes, they can cause kids to harm themselves and that's not good. But to just "ban bullying" doesn't really do anything. People need coping strategies to deal with things that bother them, that's just how humans handle social lives. It's like this "social media generation" will condemn anyone who they perceive as selfish, in that, they're not focusing their entire lives on world equality or whatever. At some point, you grow older and learn that you just need to handle your shit, and obsessing over society's ills and the feelings of others doesn't really make your life any better after a few years of doing that.

I mean, were they expecting Anthony to go on Good Morning America and do a mea culpa? That's what everyone has to do these days, and it's funny that the show was just kinda starting to explore these notions from the other side of it, the side that I find reasonable.

If he'd said everyting he tweeted on the show none of this would be happening.

I think. What the fuck do I know. 24 hours ago I thought this was all going to blow over before monday.

I agree but it's a different America now. After Trevyon, Paula Dean and the Obama/Holder criticsm defense, "dats racist" is now one of the worst things you can be accused of.

It's different in a worse way.

They've said only a few things about Menino, and nothing too awful. Sex for Sam hasn't been a thing for a decade already. Homeless Charlie is probably dead, and Condoleeza Rice is probably retired.

But this is brand new, ALL over the internet, and there is a SEA of shows with hour long race rants from Anthony. He can never ever fight this one. No lawyer would take a case like this. Even though he's TECHNICALLY right, he'd never win this case. He'd have to dig up the body of Johnnie Cochran and he hates black people too much to do that anyway.

To what case are you speaking? Who would he be suing and for what?

He should sue the cunt who face punched him for lost income.


We didn't think Anthony was "fighting the good fight." We thought Anthony was a funny dude, and we enjoyed the show despite the fact he's a racist gun nut

To me he's like those racist old guys from old sitcoms. "That's our anthony!" hehuehuehuhue

I don't agree with him but I can't be mad at him.

Oh look. A Stern fan.

It ends most of Jim's evenings too.

(Up his bottom)

As a black guy, And a long time fan of O&A, I think it's important to remember that black people didn't do anything or call for this guys resignation or are upset about this situation.... This is other white people coming down on other white people.

Yeah, Anthony is racist.... Oh well? Who cares?!? I don't listen to the show to hear about racial injustice, I listen because they are honest and funny and sometimes honesty is a tad bit racist. And you know what else would make me racist? If a huge white woman came hurling at me and punching me, I'd have some not so nice words for her too. Why isn't the woman being blamed for anything? She's a human capable of thinking, why the fuck is she punching people?

God, you're so deep and poetic.

I agree with your sentiment but I must admit I did snicker when I read it.

OH, snicker. See I thought...


Nah. I love Ant. He's the funniest man on radio. But his twitter reaction was abhorrent.

Come down and beware of the black fist!

Sort of like the ones that caved in Agatha Tinsley's screen door.


Black fists have ended many things.

But enough about your mom's bachellorette party.


yeah it's a good thing your father ran as soon as he knocked up your mother or you probably would have ended the same way

Was it one that controlled the weather?

How about the O&J show!?

Get a fuckin life losers. In today's society of hypersensitivity Ant has been walking that fine line far too long. He's a big boy, he has other mediums to express himself and he's fuckin rich! Get over yourselves! Ugh! I'm KEEPING my subscription because I'm smart enough to wait and see what happens.

It's a funny retort on blackness and fisting gang, don't read too much into it.

O.J "savagely" murdered two people but the worst crime was Marc Thurman using the "N-word" That tells you a lot about the reaction to Ant's twitter posts.


Thurman Fuhrman*

Time for O&A to start hosting their own content. The only thing that should stop them from doing whatever they want is the law.

Anthony got fired ultimately because he's a hothead with a lot of cash and a lot of weapons and a lot of animosity. That's what did him in. When he was tweeting about having a gun on him, and this random occurence where no police were called. Then he's tweeting about how white people are being hunted, while crime is lower now in NYC than it almost ever was. Sirius was looking at the fact one day he's going to snap. Which means big fat fucking lawsuit. That's all it was. There's no PC, no Sirius caving in. Nobody protested. There wasn't any Rev. AL. Just the possibility one day someone's going to get shot. And the details will be as sketchy as they were on that Twitter tirade. It was an easy call.

Free speech is alive and well. You can say whatever you want but that doesnt mean there won't be repercussions. If Ant is employed by Sirius then he has to abide by their terms. It's rather simple.

No one is stopping Ant or anyone else from tweeting whatever they want. This has nothing to do with free speech.

OH, snicker. See I thought...

Free speech is dead and it has been for quite a while now.

Holy shit! When did the First Amendment get repealed?