Anthony will never be the same after this

41  2014-07-04 by JensaaraiBronitarian

I mean it to, this incident, if anything, is going to turn him from a racially controversial funny guy into a complete raging asshole when it comes to anything race, social, or politically related. Even if live from the compound takes off, opie and jim and all his friends come onto his podcast, and it becomes more successful then their current show was, the humor will be gone. People say that Obama's election or the Trayvon Martin case were bad times to listen to Anthony because of how serious and unfunny he became, I imagine that will be dwarfed compared to from now on, post firing.

So yeah, even if Anthony is going to jump right back into things with his podcast, expect a very different Anthony Cumia from now on.


I can definitely see him becoming totally engulfed in the staunch conservative world after this. It sucks.

Ew, you're right. He's gonna become a successful Fox News pundit. He'll get his own dumb Redeye-esque show. Ew.

Say, "ew," again. Fucking shithead.

I won't watch it, but fuck it if the man gets paid.

His drinking and racisting will surely double. Love ya miss ya, Road Soda Guinea. :(

I'd cancel my subscription if I had one. This is a serious bummer.

I thought we already saw that when Obama got elected.

Exactly what I've been thinking. LFTC already lacks humor. Ant is best as a riffer on topics others brought up. On his own, he'll spiral around on the same topic for an hour, usually something political or racial. Only die-hard racists and conservatives can stomach that, and even they're not really entertained by it. They just like hearing their own viewpoints articulated back to them.

I'll definitely tune in to the next LFTC, but I doubt I'll be able to stay. I look forward to anything Ant does as a collaboration with others, but not shit he does on his own.

Man I just wish Patrice was still around to give his perspective on all this.

Shit this is probably true. He's gonna probably be bitter angry guy forever now

Well yeah. He is already an old whiny fart.

This is where bullshit fake angry liberal Social Justice Warriors get you, and even more polarised right wing at the other end of the scale.

yeah I'm somewhere in the middle of that scale

Ant was wrong for his Twitter outrage, but him being fired for something as trivial as this really is - all you've done is solidified what he believed. Going after someone you disagree with to the point of them being fired or losing family etc is just stupid.

Bill Burr talks about this all the time on his podcast. How firing someone for racist/sexist/otherwise offensive shit just adds fuel to the fire, and if you want them to change you have to work with them rather than punish them and cut ties.

It happened to Adam Carolla.

No shit he's going to be different.

He had something very traumatic happen to him. He was assaulted, and when he started screaming racial epithets at her, he got surrounded by a bunch of big, scary black dudes.

He kept wondering if he should draw his pistol, he knew if he did he would have to use it.

It scared the shit out of him. He probably hadn't been hit for over a decade before she clocked him.

He's a sensitive boy, he's going to need time to work through these feelings.

You're right. And he got fired. He may act all tough on Twitter, but when he's laying in his bed at night it fucking sucks knowing you got fired. And disrupted the lives of the staff they don't make a ton.

Ant's gonna end up like Bobby Fischer.

It's his own fault. It's basically exactly what he wanted. He's been on a self destructive path with this shit for years.

Agreed on all counts.

This will probably result in a pathetic post-it note and a single concussive blast at the Compound. Anthony is gonna go out live like R. Budd Dwyer.

Yeah, he could very easily go full-"Lenny Bruce reading his court transcripts on stage", and become a one-note bore.

But I'm hoping his comedic sensibilities win the day.

The problem now is he's got stinky-failure-racist juice on him, and that's not exactly a magnet for funny guests and co-hosts. And, moving forward, he's going to need other people involved in whatever he winds up doing.

What I predict is a ton of O&A fans watching LFTC every week, but the show will also attract the right wing type.

Eventually I can see the show becoming a right wing rage show and that's when I'll be punching out.

Race talks were great on the show when Ant was debating someone. It sucks when he's just raging to himself and that's all LFTC could turn out to be.

He's going to get back on the drink.

Can't say I blame him. That dumb black chick validated every argument he made.

That motherfucker was such a self fulfilling prophecy... Fucking sucks.

It's crazy.. my faith in karma and cosmic justice have been fully restored. Bad things DO happen to bad people.

I still don't believe he's a bad person but he's been losing touch with reality lately. But I kinda doubt even all this will put him in check.

The guy hates twerking. Dude's already lost touch with reality.

Then why is the uppity savage who attacked Anthony not dead?

Dumb black chick?

Hold the HELL up right now.

He was taking creep shots of women in skimpy dresses (something he admits to by even posting OTHER photos he took) and someone didn't like it, and thinks he was some perv or something and now its HIS fault he went on twitter and called her all sorts of names and made threats?

You're more immature than HE is.

Im not going to defend anthony, and its not her fault he was stupid enough to go on twitter, but this dumb cunt was totally wrong with what she did

but we only have one side of the story and he didn't call the police or anything. Should we really take his side with no evidence to the contrary?

By that logic, should she have called the police too?

Totally wrong for taking creep shots of women?

Yeah it might be legal, but its pretty damn insensitive and most people are going to check you on it regardless of what you think.

If she felt threatened, I'm sure you'd change your tune.

A lot of women get cornered by dudes like this.

She wasn't fucking cornered, she notice the camera and she resorted to violence, what kind of a person fucking does that?

Women usually try to fend off dudes who look like perverts trying to take their picture.

Are you fucking stupid? Just because you think someone is taking your picture, or even if they actually are from afar, does not fucking give you the right to assault someone

Sure. But women DO feel threatened by stuff like that, regardless of race. You can't discount how it feels to have somebody look likes like the slob Anthony does taking pics of them at night.

So youre supposed to act on how you feel? If you feel offended by someone you get to hit them?

Apparently all this could have been avoided if Anthony had just been more physically attractive, because then the situation wouldn't have been so threatening for the woman.

Insensitive. Punchin out.

And if someone takes a picture of you in a public place do you automatically start throwing punches?

a ghoul with a camera and im in a skimpy dress and stacked heels, yeah my guard is gonna be up I dont hit people but i understand her motive


Oops, after the part where he was taking pictures (legal) you left out that she fucking assaulted him.

She din do nuffin.

Dit chu ax hurr?

And all of her defenders that he's lucky enough to be reminded of every three seconds on twitter.

I would love to see him become mockingly ultra-PC. Kind of like the character Jim was doing a few days ago who acts really offended by the latest things that have warranted celebrity apologies. At least I'd prefer that to Ant goose-stepping around some bunker in Idaho

geez stay funny ant we need comedy like yours!! :(

I dont see anything changing really other than him having yet another fact to back up the things he says. Perhaps we will have more ranting about how fucked this country is when it comes to speech, but id be fine with that.

I doubt it. I only tune in so I can listen to a like minded intelligent funny person. Like me, only whiter. Sicilians were spawned by "democrats" you know.....

i agree, he is heading down a path it seems from the outside

I dont think Anthony is a big enough celebrity for his show to take off. There's just too many other options. He's not gonna make any real money off LFTC.

Ant really needs to stop drinking. Dude should really get into a program and get therapy. Guy is fucked up.


Tbh, when he gets angry, I hear him stumble over his own words, use racial slurs, and counter anyone else's opinion with a "SHUT UP GO FUCK YOURSELF! !!!"

I don't hear this articulate individual you speak of.

Agreed. He had a notable battle with Bill Burr where he capitulated entirely by resorting to name calling rather than staying on point. I think it was featured on the Best of Bill Burr O&A podcast a while ago.

I mean, the guy is quick and unquestionably a bright, bright man. He just seems to have some deep-seated issues that he can't really reconcile in any way other than anger and aggression. That's not necessarily a reason to get fired, to be honest, but the way things are going with societal sensitivity these days, it's not entirely surprising.

Ew, you're right. He's gonna become a successful Fox News pundit. He'll get his own dumb Redeye-esque show. Ew.

I won't watch it, but fuck it if the man gets paid.

His drinking and racisting will surely double. Love ya miss ya, Road Soda Guinea. :(

I'd cancel my subscription if I had one. This is a serious bummer.

I thought we already saw that when Obama got elected.

Say, "ew," again. Fucking shithead.