I guess it's official now,Twitter was the worst thing for the show ever.

73  2014-07-04 by Scoop216

I thought Twitter fucked up the show before this, by every day them complaining about something on Twitter. "Idiots on Twitter", when it was like 2 people who tweet something dumb to Opie. Complaining about Twitter but never getting off it. Checking Twitter constantly during the show. Reading celebrities stupid tweets. And now Tweeting shit in a public forum. If they weren't on Twitter, Ant would of just brought this up on air next week, and no one would of cared. I get why Jim's on Twitter, because he has to promote gigs, but why did O and A have to be on it? They have 20 hours a week to say what they have to say. Twitter is just a place for people to argue. Most people have stupid views why engage them willingly? You don't see Ron on Twitter. Fuck Twitter.


Spot on the money.

Here's an example of this:

I used to do consulting work. Basically sit down with a customer and show them how to use their software. When I first started doing this job, I would check my phone whenever I got a text message, got an email, etc.

I noticed pretty quick that this totally fucked up the "flow" of what I was doing. Imagine if you were watching Jim Norton doing a set at the Comedy Cellar, and he stopped talking to read a text message.

Basically phones fuck up your flow. And when you're on a stage, or in front of a microphone, or teaching something put that fucking phone away

Agreed, you can also totally hear when Jim (or whomever else) tapped out for a long period of the show. I doubt it was just Twitter either, probably sending dick pics, facebooking, emailing his agent, all kinds of stuff that could really be done after the show. Back on the older shows, someone might check their phone really quick, but having everyone in on the convo kept it flowing and also was a nice system of checks and balances for what was being said.

That's probably the most important sentiment in the modern age.

Twitter and Youtube hurt the show and then ended the show. How many times did they comment on people getting fined, suspended and fired for Twitter comments and not think it was going to happen to Ant? 25,000 Tweets, none of which should have been sent. It was a big fucking ticking time bomb.

a lot of people discovered the show from youtube, including me

I think he means the b-b-b-b-b-boys watching youtube for a lot of on air time

Exactly my sentiments. And I've heard both Opie and Jim acknowledge it on the show before. Opie saying he isn't extreme like Ant but he was with him one day when a black security guard dared to ask for his id as he entered a building bursting with celebrities. Jim telling Ant on about 20,000 occasions that he was going to get them fired for the things he says.

They both knew the risks and kept working with it. If their names get dragged through the mud too ('if he was racist all those years why didn't they say anything? They're racist too.') so be it. They knew the risks of working on the Deathstar.


Jim has been only half interested in the show for the last couple of years,the cunt is always being interrupted during the show while checking his fuckin Twitter.

It's the same thing you see in restaurants.

Ten years ago, when you hung out with your friends, everyone would shoot the shit and eventually you'd get into a groove. Next thing you know, two hours have passed, and you head home.

Nowadays, when you hang out with your friends, someone will inevitably pull out their phone. Now they're checked out of the conversation, they're doing their own thing. Occasionally they'll derail the conversation that everyone is having to show everyone a Youtube video or quote something that they saw online. Worst of all, at some point in the night, almost everyone is fucking around with their phone, and basically it's silence.

That's been happening a lot on the O&A show. There are moments where you can tell that Opie is saying things just to fill up dead air. (IMHO, Opie and Sam are the most 'focused' on the show and Jimmie is the least.)


I don't know how many times Jim has blurted out some meaningless bullshit during the show that he has just read on twitter.It has taken his focus of the show so many times.

Jim, or Opie?

Well I don't have any friends, so I guess the joke's on me!! Haha!

I listen to O&A while I work and my wife calls them my "Internet Friends"

Getting rid of instant feedback was a huge mistake.

Ron doesn't have twitter but he's been really great on his blog

Whats his blog the interrobang?

Nah he has had his blog on private mode for a long time, Only the subs on it from befor can still see...

I can picture Ant saying, "stop saying Twitter so much, we get it". Sad.

Aw, is baby boy sad because his favorite radio show host got fired? Is baby boy sad about that? Is widdle iddy biddy baby boy gonna cwy? WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD BABY BOY, WORDS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, PEOPLE GET FIRED, LIFE GOES ON; GET OVER IT YOU FUCKING VULTURE!


Twitta' please.

Totally agree. I've said for years, the worst two things I ever saw happen to the show was Twitter, and Obama getting elected. Twitter for Opie especially, we went from "funniest listeners in radio" to people he complains about & seems to be at war with on a daily basis. (I know there's a lot of shit heads on there, but...cmon.) Obama with Ant for obvious reasons, but that was when all his racial shit really started. And his political/gun tirades too. It was right around 2008 the show really took a turn and hasn't been the same for me ever since.

It wasn't specifically twitter for Opie but social media in general.

Nailed it. Didn't think about it before but you are right. Youtube is a crutch that sometimes led to gold, twitter led to piss fighting and now a firing.

Dude. Excellent points and for once I agree with everything you have said

its twitter's fault

Tweets don't fire people, people fire people.

Yeah it's twitter's fault. It's not a sociopathic racist or anything...