We need Howard to pull some strings for Ant

0  2014-07-04 by jamieblake

Possible in any way?



Howard is going to take more days off to stand in solidarity with Anthony.

Have you ever listened to O&A?

What the fuck are you talking about?

Hoo hoo, Robin, I piss on my competitors. Tell 'em Fred.

Well the Howard fans over at /r/howardstern seem to be glad that Ant is getting shit canned. Fucking douche bags. Do they even remember the show Stern used to do, and how often he used to use the word "nigger" back in the day?

Wait, do they un-ironically say "babba booey"? Yuck.

Imagine if Gawker found tape of Ant doing a character like Stern's Mama Looka Boo Boo Day? http://youtu.be/xT3yjAyOCrA

I hope they pull up his beliefs that homosexuals are gay because they can't deal with the pressure of being a male and that Dr. Sarno can cure them.

I doubt the Stern show even mentions it

Howard isn't even back till the 14th.

This will just be some poorly read news story Robin stumbles through by then.

Why are you such a fucking mark?

The only string Howard is pulling is the one to find his balls Beth keeps in her purse


Please. Howard will take credit for getting Anthony fired before he even thinks about helping.

Ahahaha. He's laughing his spiteful, penny-grubbing beak off.

Come on, Have you SEEN Robin ?