So what's the new show's name going to be?

0  2014-07-04 by rob132

Opie and Jim?

Jim and Opie?

Opie and Anthony minus Anthony?

We love black people?


The Gregg & James Morning Dish

Norton and Friends


Waaaake uuup with Opie!

Morning Attitude

The Sam Roberts Comicular, featuring Greg Hughes and Jim Norton.

Opie and Crawlspace


The Rudder with Gregg Hughes and Acquaintances

Morn'in OJ with Opie and Jimmy.

Hughes & Norton morning sludge


The Morning Bitch.... see, its a double entendre... opie loves to complain and well... he's kinda of a bitchmade dude.

Open Gym w/ Ope and Jim. (Globetrotters theme and bouncing basketball sound effects)

The Opie Show.
