If you're Opie what do you do?

3  2014-07-04 by shaqfan99

I can't imagine him encouraging anyone to cancel their subscription right now.....I don't even know if I can imagine him discussing this topic much.

Maybe just maybe, he is having private conversations with Anthony about a podcast this fall, instead of contract renewal.

If opie somehow does renew his own xm deal, it would probably violate a personal agreement the two made years ago at the Pancake Summit


I would go on the air on monday and bash everything about the company for 4 hours. And continue until they fire me. He pretty much wanted out in general so make them fire you.

Opie will protest by taking the summer off


Are you serious? Or are you pretending to be a coward?

If I was Opie I'd be fucking at war against the company, defending Anthony to the death on air, and possibly quitting my job live on the show.

"Stay silent, ride out my contract" - UGH, douche chills

I'm getting "douche-chills" from the day laborer that's saying he'd "go to war" with a massive corporation that he's making millions off of.

If they fire him they still have to pay him Im pretty sure.

No, if he rails on the company, they can fire him for whatever corporate-speak they want to use for "damaging the brand of the company" or whatever.

They got paid after Sex For Sam because Infinity cancelled the show, but kept them under contract so they couldn't go to another station and compete against them. They were massive back then, so they had the company under their thumb.

There's no competitive alternative for O&A these days. SiriusXM can terminate the contract and not pay another dime.


Lot's of speculation about a podcast, but have you ever heard him say anything positive about it? I haven't. He's mostly been surprised that others have managed to make a living out of it. Also, he doesn't have the entrepreneurial spirit or talent to make something like that grow...

Opie has a family, and can't just up and go, or start an all new venture because Anthony was fired. I don't think that's anything Anthony expects him to do either. He'll rant about this, but he's going to sit out his contract, together with Jim.

After that? IDK. Hasn't he been talking about working full-time with his family in the restaurant business, or moving on to regular radio a lot lately? I think that's far more likely than a podcast.

Kill myself.

Oh you meant because of Anthony getting fired. Iunno.

It depends on how well he managed his money. He's living in Manhattan with a young family. It all comes down to how much is in the bank.