How ironic is CumiaGate right now?

0  2014-07-04 by blackhax

Anthony Cumia a well known racist, is taking a creeper picture of a foxy black chick and gets attacked. Goes on a racist tirade on twitter that is picked up by news agencies worldwide.

This puts Mr. Cumia in a curious position.

First, he obviously has to get called out for trying to take a creep shot of a woman belonging to a race he has legendarily held are not attractive. Yet, here he is at 3 AM snapping shot of a random one on the street.

Secondly, the last few months, as I've listened to OandA they've been on this whole tirade about 'Apologizing' in the media, and how so and so has to apologize for so and so statement etc. Now,(HA HA!) the tables have most definitely turned..

The irony is so hilarious I can't stop laughing about it.

  1. Anthony actually likes black women.
  2. Anthony, with all his recent past outrage at public and famous figures apologizing in the media, is in a situation where it looks like he'll have to make a public apology.

The irony is poetic its makes me shudder.

Will Anthony admit he found his attacker sexy (will he admit that being attacked by her only made him more attracted to her)?

Will Anthony join the recent string of celebrities he and his co-host have been mocking and preform the dreaded 'PUBLIC APOLOGY'?

If Patrice was around he'd totally nail Anthony on his secret fetish for dat dere blackchocolate.


foxy black chick? She's a ghetto bitch with a weave hair hat.

Ant said he'd fuck Francine, he likes the white-looking black women.

...He's not going to apologise.

Forget about apologizing. He's been fired.

I'm not looking forward to him apologizing, nor do I want the show to grind to a halt.

I think its just ironic and hilarious, this turn of events.

Francine didn't look nearly as good as this chick he tried the creeper shot on.

LOL, yeah, Anthony was snapping a pick of her weave.