Save the show. Three simple steps that are REALLY easy...

0  2014-07-04 by rockedup18

  1. Mods/Admin, delete every thread on this sub about the "incident".

  2. We should all stop talking about, tweeting about it, and commenting on it period. We should go radio silent. We are inadvertently pushing this forward.

  3. It's probably way too late for this but if you own any of the youtube accounts that host some, let's say "incident related" material, you should consider taking the links down for a while.

Best thing we could do is pretend it never happened and hope it goes away. Sometimes it goes away, sometimes it don't go away. Let's save our energy for the fight with XM if it comes to that.


I made the two videos jezebel linked that I uploaded private.

Good thinking logster

I disagree with the "radio silent" nonsense from the OP, but that's just good trolling. Make them work for their money.

You're the fucking shit, dude.

Fire Roland.

"Above all else.... real"


Lol, piss off.

Lol, you are pathetic. Either Ant stands behind his words or he doesn't. We don't need to clean up baby boy's mess.

All we are doing by hiding this is admitting he did something wrong.

Indeed, just because he's funny on a show we like that doesn't make it our responsibility to cover for him.


I think that he needs to at least be defended on social media. With all the articles, people are coming out of the woodwork to wish him jobless and call him racist. Not defending him by saying you love the word nigger or anything, at least try to be civil and rational about it so he has some support.

He's a grown man, he can defend himself.... at least, he should be able to defend himself.

They look at social media to see how bad the outcry is. You don't think so? If it's only people angry with him and no people siding with him, OF COURSE he's going to be fired.