Joan Rivers may have saved Ant

58  2014-07-04 by Ptone79

Drudge has Joan Rivers front and center on his page. She called Obama gay and Michelle a Tranny. The media will be all over this, it's offending gays and the president. Ant's tweets will be forgotten.


I love that old bitch.

She's a fucking trooper to the Nth (yes, that N) degree.

Ring the bell

Based Joan Rivers.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Rivers, trolling as usual.

Joan with the save! This should sky rocket past Ant

She's standing on her head... with her cunt lips reaching her mouth... or sumthin tss

Anthony was in no danger.

there was some collar tugging but i think he'l be fine now.

The liberal rage machine lasts 3 days max.

With a holiday being tomorrow people will be too busy partying to care.

Ant will be fine

God bless the modern idiot and its short attention span

is that why he just tweeted out that hes been fired?

Oh fuck

I don't know, by the looks of his recent twitter posts he's on the defensive.

Joan rivers better be on the sidebar forever, shes a saint on ert

Ant and Joan should fuck

Joan River jumps in front of the media firestorm like

Isn't the 4th of July already saving Ant? aren't we all supposed to be off the computer enjoying the summer?

It should have but if one of the local rags put the story on the cover tomorrow and somebody like Rev Al started piping in it could have survived the weekend. There is no way Ant's story is going to be put ahead of this one at this point so he should be safe.

Yeah I think the holiday will be good in several ways. You can be sure a lot of the liberal clickbaits are going to find all sorts of stuff to be offended by that "white redneck teabaggers" will do while celebrating the 4th, which is a "racist" holiday anyway.

Remember, these are the kinds of people that consider the flag an offensive symbol used by right wing fringe groups.

honestly...until I see this trending nationally on twitter or on CNN's front page I won't believe anything will come of's not even on the Post's home page...nobody cares except for one muslim dude on twitter who can't turn his caps lock off...EDIT: and by this I mean the Anthony thing...not Ancient Jew

I love the show but let's be honest here, the general public doesn't really a shit about O&A. This will probably be a non issue by next Monday at the most.

Or he'll be fired like a bitch

Its interesting reading these posts after what Ant tweeted this morning about being fired.

No kidding, I was a little off...


Drudge's website layout is awful.

Wrong, it's perfectly done.

It's not exactly hurting his popularity. Dude is swimming in money.

It's amazing how different all these reports of what happened are from what actually happened in that video. Fuck media, seriously. They are fucking useless.

what video is that?

The one where the old fossil playfully answers retarded question. Yet they report it like she was Hitler.

The tranny line made me laugh.

She has man-hands.

Thanks for trying, Joan


Joan Rivers is secretly god.

Or not so secretly.

Perhaps not...


Woah, the apology clock will go the other way, Bloggers won't know how to react. There's no way either of these two will apologise!

Joan Howard

There is actually a conspiracy theory about this. If you YouTube it there are entire videos dedicated to proving that Obama is gay and Michelle is a man. No joke.


you really think ppl are gonna shit over what Joan Rivers says? Shes been saying outlandish shit for ever lol

Ant's not one to be outdone I hear he has been spotted at home depo buying supplies to erecting a 20' cross to be lit on fire in times square.