2  2014-07-03 by [deleted]

First Gawker, now Buzzfeed, New York Post, and the Washington Post. Even one of the biggest newspapers in Britain, the independent and The Daily Mail, are picking up on all this shit. And Talib Kweli, a famous fucking rapper, retweeted Ants worst tweets and tweeted him calling him a "fool", and now hs army of retarded teenage girl fans feel they have to go after Ant too, without knowing the story.

Ant has absoloutely fucked himself on this one. But on a positive note, I've been more excited for Mondays show than I have been in a long while.

Also, has this story been posted anywhere else on reddit?

EDIT: Independent article seems to have been deleted


Got picked up by Entertainment Weekly

Talib Kweli? Famous? I've never heard of him.


No, I'm not black.



Got a link to The Independent's article?

Can't find anything on it, thought The Daily Mail was the only one to pick it up?


I didn't think they were back til tuesday? But there's an all new Sam Roberts show tomorrow, guys.

Oh my, that is good info. Forgot about Sam's show (lol). I wonder if he has the balls(smarts?) to mention it?

Not a new show, a "Special" I'm sure its pre-recorded.

Why do you assume there's going to be a Monday show?

They''ll at least get a send off show. You can't pull a radio show that's been going for 20 years off the air forever, for one incident.

In all honesty as much as I can't stand ant, for it to end like this would be pretty sad and a little funny. I think there is a subreddit for that