I don't want Ant fired / suspended, or anything else - I won't be surprised in the least if he is.

0  2014-07-03 by darknemus

IF action is taken against him by SiriusXM (and I would think that at this moment, its pretty much a coin flip) it won't be shocking in the least.

Obviously, we live in a way too PC society (in my opinion) where SJWs come out of the woodwork for the most minute and honestly, trifling causes.

In this scenario, though - this is different. REGARDLESS if Anthony has EVERY RIGHT to take pictures of people in public (where there's no expectation of privacy) and REGARDLESS if this chick attacked him for doing so (which is stupid and criminal on her part, and if so, she should be arrested for assault, at the very least) - his post-incident twitter comments have only served to 'stoke the fire' of those same SJWs out there who LOOK for stuff like this.

Problem is, of course, in Ant's specific case - there's probably about 100+ recorded hours (conservative estimate) one could easily use (out of context or not) to enforce that his reactions last night weren't just due to the 'heat of the moment'

Look, defend the guy all you want - hell, I defend his right to say it - but when you make tweets like "They're not people!" and "They run things now, we're done" and "Whitey can't do anything" what do you EXPECT people to do - he's a public figure.. of course those who wish to 'rabble rouse' are going to dig into his past and try to basically 'nail him to a wall' for being.. whatever it is they don't like.

You know what - he got attacked.. it sucked. However, you'd think for a 50+ year old guy with potentially a large income stream to lose, he'd be just a bit more analytical about the words he sends out to 150K+ followers before he pulls that trigger. Even though I 110% understand why he'd rant - I'd hope he realizes that not everyone is a fan, and not everyone is going to see things his way.

The whole situation is fucked up - but if you thought for a moment a guy openly saying on the radio he likes to frequent sites like "Niggermania" and has production pieces like 'Bowling for Behave' produced (even though its a catchy tune, I'm not going to lie) was somehow going to be immune to this sort of critique by the media (who are bottom feeders, but we KNOW that already) then.. I'm sorry.

I, for one, hope that cooler heads prevail and SiriusXM doesn't take some sort of action.. but remember, they answer to shareholders and publicly traded companies are usually VERY skittish about keeping employees around who can tarnish their public reputation so easily.

The next couple of days are going to be VERY telling - I just hope that Ant plays his cards right and gets through them financially / employment wise unscathed. We shall see, though - my gut feeling is that this snowball is just beginning its downhill roll... le sigh.


It's looking Grim in the Morning.

Firing Ant would only prove Ant right. He is a racist, but for all their work, the social justice warriors would only make Anthony's words true.

Do SJW's run the world or something?

No. They just harass companies until someone else offends them.

It's almost like racism is unpopular in modern society.




We'll see what the sponsors do. They're shitty sponsors, yes, but to SXM that's still money coming in. As /u/Danielson799 says, "if you fuck with the money, it's all over."