Lord Opie of the House Hughes breaks his silence, for real this time.

13  2014-07-03 by UncPa57yrzyng


Not one shit was given.

If Sirius just stays silent until Monday, I really think they can survive it and the apology bit can come full circle. Outrage culture only works when people apologize and hide and when companies buckle to it. If you stand up for yourself there is no story. This shit vanishes in a couple days even with apologies. It is almost identical to how you handle a bully as a kid.

You really believe that, don't you.

Joan Rivers.

Is her own boss.

There is no such thing.

She runs E!?

No, but I'm hoping. I would hate to see the show go, it is a part of my morning routine that I particularly enjoy and Ant is the main part of that. There is no show without Ant.

I have no knowledge of his contract but I'm curious if what actions Sirius could even take in response to personal comments on social media outside of his "job". Their past firings were for things done on air. He hasn't committed any crime and has said way worse things on air with no repercussion and continued contract renewals.

Honestly I think opie is playing this right. The flames don't need fanning and nobody actually really cares what his take is on the fiasco. He knows Ant better than anyone.

While it's definitely a wise move on his part, another part of me feels like it's kind of lame not to speak up and defend Anthony. When Opie was going through his shit with the cake smashing, Anthony was all over twitter defending him.

This is a bit more sensitive than cake-smashing. It's a whole different level.

This is a wise move, IMO. Anthony keeps posting and ranting on twitter, fanning the flames, and setting himself up for a follow-up article on Monday on Gawker et al. He should have just let it go, and maybe made a couple of tweets about other trivial stuff. Anthony is not a smart guy...

Its interesting that behind the mike Opie always talks about sticking up for people when they say something controversial, even if you don't like them. Strange that he's decided to take a back seat on this one


It would not do him, Ant or the show any good to jump in.

Why not?, now would a good time to actually interupt Ant's sentences

that is funny actually


2014-07-03 21:30:59 UTC

Just spent a glorious day photographing the Wood Covered Bridges of Vermont. Did I miss anything?

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yuck, those sycophantic tweets from his rodent followers

Tsssss why doesn't Ophantic go to the doctor and get some medicin or sumptin?? Tsssss

It's like chip if he was the leader of a retarded gang. Fawk yeah good one chippah!

What's that?

Haha, this and tag tweet and the only time I've ever laughed at something Opie said.

Why not?, now would a good time to actually interupt Ant's sentences