The boys are always saying that nobody sticks up for eachother....

2  2014-07-03 by sheRATCHETT

you think any friends from the show will even touch this one?


The Gawker/Tumblr sphere are just now discovering Louie CK's involvement with the show. He may be a social justice warrior on stage, but on the O&A show he has said some offensive stuff.

How in the fuck is Louis a SJW on stage? How disconnected from reality are you? Some O&A fans will just shit on anyone...

I can see Louis apologizing for some stuff soon.

Yes but only if it comes down to Ant actually getting fired.

They have careers to worry about. It's unlikely.

Will husband of a black women, Bill Burr be back on the show?

Oh, that's a good question.

No its not. Bill knew who Ant was before and this doesnt make a difference. How ridiculous would it be if Bill really took that shit? Not to mention Bills stated in multiple interviews that since hes 100% self employed, nothing can hurt his career. He doesnt have a show or movies and shit to worry about and the roles he does get cast are always small. No one has any real power over him.

Yeah, but he has always leaned toward the side of political correctness as far as whiteness goes. Black guys are never the butt of his jokes, only the point from which to speak to the insecurity of white Americans. That's not a criticism and I'm not saying he can't/doesn't make off color jokes, but that doesn't seem to be his thing.

His jokes about visiting his then gf (now wife) in Harlem are more about him as a white guy being out of place and his insecurities than anything about black people.

Well thats just his act youre talking about. I cant take anything Bill says in his act as his actual moralistic views or else Im no better than the vultures in the media that take things out of context. Not to mention, youre taking Ants side against Bills, Im surprised you didnt throw a "white guilt" in there. Bill doesnt have white guilt, I think he has a very objective look on life and I agree with him on social issues way more than I agree with Ant. While I agree with Anthony on the black crime problem, hes let the negativity rot him to the core and cant even realize when hes proudly proclaiming bigoted views. Even Opie and Jimmy just let him spout sometimes on the radio and spearhead the race topics because they like Bill dont have much to say about it past the crime problem. And calling Bill politically correct in any way is fucking ridiculous, are you even paying attention to his act? You brought up a bit he did I think on Comedy Central Presents and it was all funny and very relateable, not sugar coated or PC at all.

I got lazy with my wording. I didn't think we'd have a discussion quite this detailed.

I did not mean to say Bill is PC, hence why I used the phrase "leaned toward the side of political correctness". I meant that to differentiate him from a Nick Di Paolo type. He doesn't take any kind of hard line on racial issues, and if he does lean one way it's usually toward whitey being the problem, which is fine because it works with his comedy.

I really am too tired/lazy/drunk to have any discussion, I just wanted to clarify my position. We are not enemies, you and I.

Its cool, but can you maybe link me to anything that shows Bill being a black apologist. I just think he doesnt hardline a stance at all. Plus hes more concerned about different topics. Alot of his material on white people being shitty is just talking about banks and the government and "the man". He doesnt get into race at all for the most part.

I need to pass out. This isn't what you asked for, but an interesting listen:

But you're right. I can't think of anything off the top of my head.

Still, his viewpoint, having a black wife and being on the upswing of his career, would be interesting.

What about Whoo-Dat?

God his racist tweets are so fucking dumb. I don't know whether he's just trying to keep this controversy going or whatever he's trying to do, but he really fucked himself with them. I can imagine Gervais and Burr would of defended him if he wasn't being insanely racist. It's like he's making sure there's no good way out of this for him.

Not sure why you are getting down voted but you make valid points

I don't really care about down-votes anymore, I just expect them now. The majority of the people here are delusional and are incapable of thinking for themselves.

Yea that makes total sense.