that fat bitch Jim debated about rape jokes - "opie & Anthony is a virulently right-wing, white supremacist show and should be branded as such"

28  2014-07-03 by jp1758


I'm not surprised, she came across as an uncompromising cunt when she debated Jim.

Jim was too nice to her. But that's female privilege. If he lays it on too strong, he's the bad guy. Meanwhile she can engage in all the vitriol she wants.

It's like watching a kitten fight a cat. Kitten can be as annoying as it wants but if the cat swats it, the kitten starts crying and being all innocent.

It really is infuriating to watch, not that it would have made a difference if he was harder on her. She'll use her buzzwords like "rape culture" and she will vehemently defend her point even if there is no point to defend. She's and all of her ilk are much like Bobo, they will fucking plow through anyone else's voice to say NOTHING.

What would ya expect out of a person who makes their living blogging about all the "social injustices" of the world. If she doesn't get upset about shit like this she doesn't have a job.


Oh, you don't think that the bloggers are changing the world for the better one word at a time?

Anita Sarkeesian

Anthony Cumia may be a White Supremacist . . . or he may just be pig-ignorant and governed by fear . . . but that does not make the O&A show a White Supremacist enterprise. If the show itself is to be blamed for anything, it's for tolerating his barrages of hate for as long as it has (and only then because a real segment of the audience live the White Supremacy delusion themselves).

if Ant was actually a racist I mean a dyed in the wool no nonsense racist Patrice would not have been friends with him...Patrice wouldn't suffer Anthony if his true colors were that of racism and bigotry...Patrice was NOT fake

Let the man rest in peace

he's not reading this don't worry

Giving credit where due, this is perfectly stated.


Okay. Then he's just pig ignorant and governed by fear.


How can something be virulently right wing, anyhow? Is she saying that the majority of White people in the country have some sort of illness? Is Jim Norton, an anti-war man who has advocated drug legalization and dropped 6 figures on transexual hookers really a " ringht wing white supremacist?" What the fuck is she talking about?

dropped 6 figures on transexual hookers

I don't know about right winger, but that definitely makes him Republican, AMIRITE! I'm here all week folks!

What the fuck is she talking about?

She is not talking about anything. She just learned what the right combination of words to yell out is to get the most attention out of the world.

I wish someone would end the whale's suffering. Her life must be hell.

"Nuance" is not a word in the Jezebel book of standards. Jim went out of his way to not humiliate her, and all it does is grow her cause.

I don't give a fuck anymore. Time to bust out some old /b/ shit on these motherfuckers, before they eat the future alive.


Double guns, bitch.

I was wondering when this boring ass would get her hooves on this story.

Haha, hooves.

oh, E-Rock...

She is right about Louie CK being a comedy darling of the progressives yet goes on O&A and talks about niggers and cunts and shit.

This is the thing that belies the flaw in her thinking. She says that it's astonishing that mainstream progressive comics associate their names with the show. She can't understand why they implicitly don't agree with her. The reason why they associate their names with the show is because the O&A show is not the virulent right-wing, white-supremacist show that she wishes it was. And I do mean that she wishes it was, because that would validate the anger and sense of injustice that sustains her.


So, the victim is at fault for the assault? Interesting position coming from someone so concerned about rape victims.

Virulent. She sounds like an ADL stooge. All of these people sound so pre-programmed, even more so than the worst show-style lineslinger. What boring robots.

She peddles outrage to people who need an excuse to justify their hate. That is her job.

Jezebel is a site for fat ugly broads who want to blame everything else for their own terrible lives.

It's how she makes a living, and something's gotta put, I'm going to say, 7-9 whole pizzas in one sitting on the table.

She so fat her ice cream cries on HER

In Soviet Russia, ice cream cries on you!

Not really surprising given she's in the outrage business. Jimmy was nothing but respectful towards her...maybe it was done in folly.

Steeped. C'mon man, get it right.

Ah jeez. Steeped in folly...done in folly...what the hell do I know?

just take your container of coffee to the corner and think about what you've done

It's too bad she's not Asian as well as fat, Jimmy could've done his Lt. Dan voice when talking to the pig.

Everyone let her know she is a man hater and says mean things. She is also inherently "loying" when saying the show is white supremacist. Simply not true.

Here's my Lindy West story:

I once live in her 'hood, and she would regularly brag that she 'had the biggest tits in Capitol Hill.'

A few months ago, I noticed that she's ballooned up like the Goodyear Blimp. So I tried to find some pics of her when she wasn't the size of a car, and found that they've been completely vacuumed off the Internet.

TLDR : Lindy West is so good at Internet, she's managed to eradicate all pics of her when she was attractive. Typical liberal re-write of history.


Someone should stuff her in an oven so she can be hot again.

I like how she's acting as if the feedback isn't affecting her, but she's changed her twitter bio to "WHY FAT LADY SO MEAN TO BABY-MEN". She's disgusting.

Hope you got a screen shot because it's gone

The 17 year old girlfriend makes her first appearance in the media.

That's what disgusts me about this whole thing. Think what you will of the age of his girlfriends, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the events of the last two days. It's just another attempt at complete character assassination.

She just wants some numbers

I'm sure she gets plenty when she steps on a scale.

Agreed. She wants her cake and eats it too.

Because she is fat.

Jimmy gave her a pass once, but I do not think these comments warrant one.

I think the fine listeners of this show should show her how much we disagree with these wild and frivolous accusations.





is there a virulent left-wing white supremacist show?


She's a bitch, but goddam if I wouldn't blow my load across her fat mug.


Goddamn the show is receiving quite the shitstorm...where's the Destroyer when we need him?

Come on guys, she does have a point.


They don't play white power music in the context you are using. They played white power music and goofed on it, including Anthony. They don't come back from break with Panzerfaust music beds. The show in general doesn't promote Niggermania, again they goofy on Anthony for visiting the site.


So did Howard and he is hosting America's Got Talent. Dude use to play KKK songs, had Billy West pretend to be Nelson Mandela, and wore blackface. He did it to goof on it. Just like O&A do. But you won't hear one Hollywood celeb call him a right wing racist or refuse to be on his show based on his recent past. And this fat pig would kill to get on there.

Yes. It's a comedy show, and one of the hosts happens to be a racist. 3/4 of the show (Yes, I'm including Primetime) aren't white supremacists at all.


Nah, but fuck her, seriously.

Not with a stolen dick my friend.

That's what disgusts me about this whole thing. Think what you will of the age of his girlfriends, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the events of the last two days. It's just another attempt at complete character assassination.