Well to look on the bright side his music video is finally going to get nation wide exposure. So there's that.

7  2014-07-03 by Frunkuss


Who would have thought wearing black face could come back to haunt you.

I know, right?

I can only hope someone else noticed that's Ant's real hair at 2:06. It legitimately looks like he's wearing a wig to play up a gollywog stereotype, but nope.

the moor bloodline is strong in him

Bowling for behave needs to be played all over

Man.. Ants black face is nightmare fuel.


I don't think I've ever actually seen someone actually go with black face before (aside from Minstrels).

LOL, if you put up with Whoopie Goldberg you can get away with murder.

LOL, if you put up with Whoopie Goldberg you can get away with murder.