A dramatic reenactment of recent events

147  2014-07-03 by blockbaven


Nice effort, but the main character in Punch Out is Little Mac. Glass Joe is the first fighter you face off against. That fighter her head is on is The Sandman...

... and I'm a fucking faggot. Punchin' out.

stop calling Erocks show about TMNT too!

HaHa ...

I couldn't think of another name & wanted to get it done so I just went with an easy one ...

But I appreciate bb postin' it (I'm new on the reddit deal ...),
and thanks for the props ...

I had assumed that the name Glass Joe had been used in reference to "Regular Joe". God damn it.

slow clap

This is the quickly becoming my favorite gif of all time. Although I'm not sure this is how the Philly Crew would do it...


One day I'm going to get sick of you. But not today.

Looks like they banned the bot now, all comments gone.

I could've sworn it wasn't a bot. But I can't remember because I really don't care that much.

Nevermind I'm retarded. Please rape my face.

Disagree. I think it's terrible. Would you say the same, Steve C ??


What's a bigger collection of racist stereotypes, Mike Tyson's Punch Out or Ant's twitter feed?

At least Punch Out has entertainment value.



Can't wait for VideOandA to pair Mondays show with this one.

Nice one. The face Ant's making combined with the way he's holding his arms as he's going down is hilarious.

Ha, good job.

I'm sure this has been tweeted to Ant?

Ok, this one is funny.

Ant should hold a press conference to apologize but not apologize and just let Sandy Kane sing her song about licking ice cream cones.

Yes, and have Lady Di as his legal representative, bulldozing over reporters' questions as she downs her sixth natty ice.

Simply fantastic.

I could've sworn it wasn't a bot. But I can't remember because I really don't care that much.

Nevermind I'm retarded. Please rape my face.