Anyone else hope only Opie gets fired in the latest turn of events

0  2014-07-03 by opiesucks

i do.


I was wondering if we could find a way to pin it all on Dennis Falcone.

'O&A' are not separate entities. What happens to Ant will happen to him.

Opie's only public acknowledgement of this was a really great one though

Ant is a funny motherfucker. I don't care what he says, it's worth it for the moments of genius hilarity that will follow eventually. And I don't want Jimmy to lose his gig. He is THE funniest, quickest witted person in radio, hands down, and he shouldn't lose that post. Ant says the exact same type of things on the air and the bosses don't seem to care. They better sack up and let this run off their backs. Now's their chance to show that they will defend free speech and support their hosts. To make a point, and to give confidence to their broadcasters that they won't be left out to dry because of words they say. That's the point of satellite radio. Uncensored, unrestrained. Otherwise they might as well be terrestrial... Now is the time for them to make a stand against the media and their crucifixion for language.

One is having a quiet night at home with his family, one is having a quiet night browsing tranny hookers online, and one is out drunk trying to start the race war.

I agree, Opie is the least entertaining and should be let go.

I was scared at times but you pulled it in at the end there, good work.

Spot on opiesucks, cutting right to the heart of the issue.

Right when this whole thing happened I thought "Man, Opie is gonna get a talking to about this!".

Opie is letting him hang himself

The tag tweet was basically his way of saying "Shut the fuck up and stop posting on twitter, do you realise what you're doing?"