I know this won't be popular around here, but Anthony is being an asshole, especially towards his co-hosts and staff.

0  2014-07-03 by [deleted]

He gets punched and called a white motherfucker (his side of the story) by a black chick, fine, that's terrible, I'm sorry. He deserves to be mad.

Possible courses of action for normal people:

  • Forget about it, don't mention it to anyone, I was punched by a girl on the street, ouch!

  • Press charges, gather your evidence (I even got pics of the incident), go to the police, let them take care of it.

Course of action for Anthony:

  • Claims he wasn't taking a picture of her, yet has pics on his twitter of other girls taken on the same/around the same day. Get's mad if people even doubt he wasn't taking a picture of her.

  • Always claims to respect and revere the Law above anything else. Ah, pressing charges and let the law take care of this and shut the fuck up? Forget about it, the police won't do anything. White boy vs black woman, forget about it.

  • Better get home, go on a rant for hours and hours of name calling, death wishes, cunt shitbag animals, black culture, whitey are doomed, knowing perfectly well I'm a relatively famous person living in a stupid PC world and knowing that my show (and staff) can suffer a lot from this.


Hi Danny.

I know I sound like him, but it's just my opinion. He is the one who made something stupid grow way out of proportion, yet he will be the one most mad about the backlash (maybe even firing) he's getting for something that should be kept private. This should never involve the show, but these stupid sites are already contacting Sirius XM for a comment, if this grows and grows, they will be fired no doubt, because asshole Anthony had to validate his opinions about black people on twitter.

Ant's latest Tweets seem to be focusing more on the assault angle now rather than the "savages" "animals" "They aren't people" type slurs.Probably should have taken the more reasonable approach initially.

Why would they be fired for this? People who listen to the show/pay for the channel already know Ant is a racist so this isn't new news to anybody. Nobody who pays for the channel is shocked by this and going to suddenly cancel their subscription because "Ant is a racist!" If anything people are cancelling their subs cause the show has sucked lately. This will be a good way for the boys to get their show canned and be able to blame it on the "PC media" instead of their show sucking. And they can also say "Hey! Sirius wanted us to apologize but we don't apologize for shit!" and then the hardcore fans will get hardons thinking these guys are badass. The more I think about it...the more I realize this was a staged false flag event. Google Operation Gladio. Google Operation Northwoods. Google Operation Mockingbird.

I'm with you but as you said that's not a popular opinion here.

This just in: pock marked iceberg sinks ship. Captain could not be reached for comment, as he immediately bailed into a lifeboat, Philly Crew in tow.


Sadly, Ant days are numbered. Will the show go on without him?

Their contract is up in less than 3 months and something like this certainly doesn't help. He was told by Sabean to stop the racist and political bullshit heading into the new year but once their rant on Obamacare went "viral" he stopped listening. Opantxm needs serious help and his family should step in.