How long until...

19  2014-07-03 by [deleted]


"I am not a racist, that's what's so insane about this."

Hahaha "Stop laughing it's not funny."

"Afro Americans"

God this would be fucking brilliant, I want this to happen the next time Bill Burr is a guest on Conan.

"Jeezus Ant Jeeeezuss!"

Holy shit

Sidebar pic

Seconded, I like E-Rock but I'm not a fan of this consumer bit.

It were the niggers Jerry! They cut your brakes!

He picked a good time to do this - long holiday weekend, all the Sirius brass are on vacation.

Will be gone in a few days, even if ant is still ranting and raving on twitter

I dunno, maybe we should ask the Philly Crew


Philly Crew, how would you save Anthony from this PR disaster?


I cannot resist clicking the Philly Crew video just about everytime i see it.


Have you set up a bot? Or do you have the vision and willpower to have posted the philly crew video manually each time?


The Philly crew video might go viral just because of this.

But it wont be opies version, it will be whoever has the mirror.


Goddammit, what the hell do you think this is? Some kind of a circus?

Can someone explain this to me? I don't get it.


Do you think the big A-list celebs are still going to come on the sh-dkasjdasjdasdad

