How can we be proactive and help defend Ant/save our show?

2  2014-07-03 by FJaxJones

Thoughts? I got nothin' but I'm hoping someone else does.


Where is Vos gonna plug his gigs!?!?

I don't know, I'm scared.

my stomach hurts

Don't get all pissy eyed just yet...

Me too. Me too.

Thinking about all this I seriously do get that kind of nervous feeling :/

replace all Anthony racist tirade videos with trick basketball shot, how to chain your dragon, and how the philly crew does it.


not now man

That is funny as fuck. Can we get steven knight et al in on this?

YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. That's terrible, I'm sorry.

But I thought you were a bot?


  • Don't fuel the flames on Twitter. This isn't a Jocktober type situation

  • DON'T be too proactive in defending it. The less it is talked about right now the better. It's only been picked up by PC hipster clickbaits anyway, no need to start a #hashtag or something that draws in people who don't view those sites

  • For the 5% of people here the actually pay for SXM, have the balls to cancel service if the show is cancelled. The station probably won't care, but fuck it.

  • Be prepared for the worst :( Everyone here was whining about how they are just phoning it in, now they have a possible exit point, whether they want it or not. The guys won't disappear, but they might not be the same O&A show either.

This seemed to have somehow backfired on Ant. Going on Twitter to say he was beaten by a black woman is somehow making him look like a fucking bitch.

Proactive? Don't feed the fire. Stay away from the tabloid sites.

This didn't happen on air, or in the Sirius studios. They have contracts. They may be okay for that fact, at least until October.

This will have an impact on their negotiations, if Sirius is offering to renew them. There's not much you can do except contact Sirius and say "No O&A, no sub".

Other than that, enjoy the ride. It's a holiday weekend, this could blow over. He was attacked unprovoked, despite his comments. He wasn't breaking the law or insulting or threatening her.

See how it plays out before getting all dramatic. We're talking about Ant. He doesn't give a fuck.

This didn't, but people are finding a ton of stuff just as bad that did happen on air. Enough people asking SXM why they let him say all this stuff on their platform would cause them to get very nervous.

Spread a rumor that his twitter was hacked. For the entire time it's been in existence.

Don't feed the fire. What companies don't understand is that the internet moves so fast they'll stop caring in a week if they don't get a response.

I do however strongly suggest convincing as many people as possible that Anthony is actually Tunisian and not even white. So framing it in the context of race is silly because he himself is a PoC.

Philly Crew, do you have any suggestions?



If this doesn't just die down soon, we are fucked. I'm hoping this will end like the cake stomp thing. But how fucked up would it be to have images of ant in black face to follow this story? If they start digging there's the eugenics thing and the whole half a year of trayvon coverage.

In the gawker comments the third comment is a eugenics clip... we need something miraculous to happen.

The eugenics thing is already up on Gawker.


Or Ant in his LFTC shirt that looks like a swastika. Or Ant in front of a 60 inch monitor breaking down WSHH videos like SportsCenter. Or Anthony with his nazi regalia.

Or Ant saying or doing anything...

we kill all the black people?

Fuck. I feel like a relative has cancer. All we can do is wait and find out if it's fatal.

Scorch has to be loving g this shit

I feel Anthony is blowing it up on purpose.

No fucking way.

They talk apologies all day. They've seen their colleagues fired for less. He knew those words would end his corporate radio career.

he was also more than likely hammered as fuck when he wrote those tweets. He's probably having some regrets to say the least.

No one outside of O&A listeners gave a shit about O&A before today. Hopefully that fact coupled with the long weekend will help this blow over. If not, once the SJWs really start to pick this up it's game over.

If not, once the SJWs really start to pick this up it's game over.

Is there a way we can help that along?

/u/shabbat_shalom suggests we shit on his face. Hurry before he reniggs

Maybe all the fans could collectively and simultaneously delete all their O&A videos.

Ultimately it's going to be up to SiriusXM what happens. If you want to show your support for him, show it to them. If Anthony goes, so does my subscription.

I think the best thing to do is just to let it happen.

Just copy paste this picture into the comments section on all the articles.

ohhh my fucking god i didnt remember lil hitler we are so fucking doomed....... i just remembered the lawn jockey

This... is gonna be rough.

Aw God Damnit

I think we need to get Ant fired. It might save the show.