I've compiled a list of all video links where Ant says something positive about black people. Use this to exonerate him on any social media.

65  2014-07-03 by ArkL



Ok, but to be fair you should also make a list of his bad qualities.

Fawkin' Homerun! This cawnts hilawrious.

in all fairness, nigger.


Just do it the way Louis CK does.

Luis is a spick he's got a ghetto pass.

Little known fact the CK is for spick he just took the spi out

"Known as the rat."

Dont forget Run Around the Park for Erin

Erock once said: My name is Eric and I hate blacks and Jews. Quite a tender sentiment IIRC

I keep seeing the 16 year old thing repeated. What happened here? Any source or pics?

Jane was 17 when they started fucking and his new vulnerable teen looks like a 16 year old with braces. Ant is a predator.

a predator, what's he gonna fight aliens or sumtn, tss


What's that?


What's that?

What's the age of consent in NY?

EDIt: For the record, if I'm fucking hot female 18-year-olds into my 50's I'll consider my life a success.

I believe it's 18, I remember Ant mentioning that Jane was almost 18 while being vague about them fucking.

It's 17, I just looked.

One of my favorite stories is Anthony talking about some 19 year old he was dating. She had something or other at the hospital and he had to pick her up at the pediatric unit, cuz they treat them there until they're 20 or something. One of the funniest stories I've heard.


I have been wondering where that particular brigade has been hiding for the last day or two



There isn't anything here...


Okay, this was pretty funny.

the guy is a known racist, known admirer of Hitler and there are allegations of him liking underage girls, maybe he's just not the greatest guy

but still a great guy.

LOL... make me spit out my watermelon!

Well wheres the fucking list?

That's the joke... there isn't any.

Anthony must want out of his contract early. He knew what would happen by posting about the incident

You got me motherfucker.

I actually came in expecting to see some kind of a positive movement against these faggots that are running our entertainment and making it so lame.

The O&A fans are not going to end this charade the media has been putting on for years. But to be honest, I think they are capable of putting a pretty big fucking dent in it. I have never in my life seen a fanbase of any kind that is so rooted in logic and common sense. I think you can smash these faggots in high numbers.

Yeah, we also got creeps who tweet in all caps "AIDS CUNT DIE," but then again we all have that one retarded uncle.

The empty white text box alone shows how much of a racist Ant is

How about a clip where he says he'd fuck Francine?

Review Anthony's tweets.... there is no doubt he is NOT racist. He may be an intolerant, hate-filled, card-carrying KKK member, but NOT a racist.

Doesn't matter if you're racist or not, it's not like the court of liberal opinion has ever given a fuck about fairness or the truth.

Anthony doesn't have a problem with black people who are civilized. He's said many times he respect those with jobs that behave like you would want a normal person in society to behave.

/r/whiterights is that way


Which way is /r/circlejerk? Ope nevermind followed your posts to find it.

Im just saying what anthony has said on the show. No need to be a self righteous douche

A smart journalist could destroy Ant with only the content on youtube. The amount of times Ant has rung that bell instead of saying nigger, or someone is talking about monkeys. You could assemble an edit of Ant ringing that bell 10 times and it's going to be really obvious that it's ant's nigger bell.

And the idea of something being implied but not explicitly racist as a reason to destroy a career is ok with you? The problem with that example is that eventually anything could be implied as "subtle racism" from just about anybody. That's a really bad trend to follow if a bell ring is implied as a fill-in for "nigger" then just about anything is fair game to cry racist. I know why he rings the bell and so does everybody else that listens to the show, but to use that as "definitive" proof that he's a racist is just sloppy.

Also understand the idea of a 'show' put on by often-over-the-top characters.


Little known fact the CK is for spick he just took the spi out