Sidebar nomination - Hoodies up!

131  2014-07-02 by aftershave


It's just more black on black violence.

He should have threatened her with his Tunisian knife fighting skills.

Let's be real here folks, justice for Anthony would involve Ant going back to installing air conditioners with Regular Joe.

Or being convicted of statutory rape.


Things would have worked out differently if this happened in a back alley in Tunisia.

Or if he was dealing with one of his ladies of the evening in Corsica.

Pitty the whore that dare lay a hand on his finely cratered skin.


He only had skittles and a CCW

Million Dollar March


Ant looks exactly like a full blown AIDS Rock Hudson in that pic

Those shit teeth

I expect Nancy Grace to be all over this one.

  • He said it was his right eye.

Please fix ...


Ah hahaha haha




The sidebar pic guy should die.

how is this not the new sidebar pic yet?


Anything would be better than the current picture of crybaby fatboy

Erock literally has a hint of mongoloid eyes

I fucking hate this fat retard

Why don't you come over here and shut up

Or to quote Colin, "SHUT UP and continue!"


Erock is cool. You're one of those fans who thinks he's friends with the show. "haha ya fuck Erock, right guys? haha"

"you're one of those fans who thinks he's friends with the show" lmfao kill yourself

how can you even type that you faggot

if you can actually say "erock is cool", that says something about you as a person. to look at a fat, crying manchild who watches cartoons and say "that guy is cool" you would have to exist very low on the social scale

What's wrong with the E-Rock we got? He eats pretty good.

At least he touched a girl. Something you'll never accomplish. Aside from raping your own mother anyways.

Home run, Chippuh.

Are you referring to liberals as pussies or females who are liberal? Or is that the same thing only you can fuck one and not the other?

holy shit lol did you just type that

i can't believe i actually post on the same board as you low testosterone faggots

are you even aware that i could beat the shit out of all of you at once

look down at your fat stomach and cry you emotional faggots

I got douche chills from your comment

0/10. Stop trying so hard, boy!

You sound like a tool.

how can you even type that you faggot

Because you are?

Yeah, but Roland is cool though, am I right?

You can't cum with a woman and I can.

I got douche chills from your comment

0/10. Stop trying so hard, boy!