Has anyone criticized the show on any social media and gotten a response?

0  2014-07-02 by bushwater

Besides the how to chain your dragon video of course. I created a Twitter account after they came back from break a couple months ago, just trying to make a point that the hitching about the studio everyday was horrible. I was quicly blocked by Opie, and Sam. Never got a response from ant or Jim. Just wanted to see if anyone else tried this and what the result was. Sorry if this was posted before, but I'm new.


Opie(with fingers in ears): LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA! I don't hear you! Good Morning, Bearman!

Well, serves you right for besmirching such a staple-bit to the show.

You can always tweet Anthony pro-minority or anti-republican sentiments. He's infamous for drunkenly debating liberals in 140 characters or less.

Back in like 2010, there was an episode with Bobby and Vos on (Burr may have been there) where Opie said he "almost got paralyzed" getting hit by some ocean wave, or some as usual over-exaggerated bullshit. The guys really pounded on him, and you could tell it was getting under his skin even though he tried to play along. So I busted his balls about it on Twitter, and he spent like 5 minutes on me the next day, trying to say how much "it didn't bother him." He was really pissed. I wasn't even being that shitty to him, he completely read it wrong. I felt bad but at the same time it was kind of cool, like "holy shit, he's talking to me??"


Is there a video link to opie responding to the chain your dragon video? what did he say?

No, I just meant he responded by deleting it, although the actual reason is still up for debate, I think we can assume it was all the negative comments

Yeah, I gave Anthony shit the day he cracked up the 'Stang because his "tires weren't warmed up" & something about it having too much power. I ripped him in about 10 tweets not having the talent to back it out of his carpeted garage let alone going around a wet, slushy corner, etc., along with a photo of me & my high-horse-powered vehicle so I knew just a bit about what I was talking about.

He was talking out of his ass, ... I will not go so far as to say he was half-hungover, but I will say he has zero driving talent. He can drive in a straight line at 130+, & in his Escalade, weave in & out on a 4-5 lane-wide expressway ... I know the roads he speaks of well.

He drives over his fucking head, & I roared a couple months ago when he said he was on the verge of accumulating 11 points on his DLIC. Yet he is a responsible gun owner. Go figure.

I will say, the biggest time he ever annoyed the fuck out of me was the story of "SuperCar Weekend" with a Lt. in the NYPD. How serious can Keith take anything with condoning, yet alone playing along with that bullshit? Oh, yeah ... do not forget he was the one videotaping 130+ in the Mustang ... Real "Role Model" of the NYPD he cares to make himself to be.


It sounds to me like you don't get the bit.



No, I just meant he responded by deleting it, although the actual reason is still up for debate, I think we can assume it was all the negative comments