Quick analysis on this opie vid. Douche chills in ultra mode

3  2014-07-01 by [deleted]


Those kids had no way of knowing... that they were dealing with.... a PSYCHO!


This wasn't bad...until he tried to alpha-dog the effeminate, Bangladeshi boy

Is this a pattern. Reminiscent of the Chinese woman thing in the subway video.

I like that this sub has turned into a Jocktober of Opie's shitty vids. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, I guess.

tsss tsss ya like the ROLLIN stones.... tss

good one, chip.

Opie went right up to that dudes face and give him shit like a real man.

I'll give Opie credit on this one. He's a brave man for getting up in that 14 year old's gay face.

"Why are you crying?" the man acts like he hasn't been sitting next to Norton for 8 years.

What? You don't take pictures of yourself with friends?

Just testing something out here...


Philly crew.


I know what's coming before I click, I know I'm going to cringe and feel extremely uncomfortable, and I click anyway.



someone needs to film opie and yell "how much attention do you need!"

If he had gone up to Lady Gaga one-on-one and asked her "How much attention do you need?" that would be worth posting. This shit should of been deleted immediately though, I can't even fucking see her in this video, and he waits until she's PASSED him before he says anything. The ironic thing is, he's giving her more attention by adding to the crowd of people filming her. And then he goes up to two fags after and asks where they're going. ... I don't get this bit.

It's a bit troubling that a 60 year old man is getting in a teenager's face for being starstruck.

Hey now, he's 51.

20 years ago.

I love how Anthony's gotten some viral videos without even trying whilst Opie continually begs and begs for people to watch his utterly valueless videos to no avail. Keep getting the hashtags and twitter plugs in there, brotherman!

"She's so neeeeeeeeedy" right...

Didn't Opie start doing these videos kind of in response to ant starting live from the compound? I subscribed to his YouTube channel then but haven't watched a video since the day I subscribed. I hate when I get an email opieradio just uploaded a video.

You nailed it. It's so duchy when he will be all, "we all do our own thing. Jimmy had standup, ant has the compound, and I have my videos".

He's Joey boots without balls.

Everyone involved in this that wasn't a security guard is a faggot.

Still will never top the time when he ran up to the Howard Stern fan, who was being held down by Master Po, and screamed "how does that FEEEEL fucker!" numerous times into his face as he was helpless. We knew right then we were dealing with a total alpha badass. A destroyer even.

So he actually spent time out of his "busy" day in the media scrum watching a Gaga media event. Notice he was satisfied with being in the back of the group. On top of that either a) he paid some actors that showed up in the end and had a "real" moment, or b) actually confronted some half a fag teen and his girhlfrieeend with "hilarious" results. What a douche.

I agree but don't comment on your own post as if it's something you've just seen.

settle down cowboy

I wasn't trying to be stand off-ish, I was just saying don't because it looks weird.

Why is there an ad before this video? Who thought this was good enough to sponsor with a commercial?

mate, its 2014, get the adblock extension for your browser. I havent seen an ad on the internet in years. Friendly tip.

Ad-block doesn't work on mobile.

Not with that attitude it doesn't.

It does if you jailbreak/root

My first take away is that this is a 3 year old video involving somebody heard nationally and internationally for at least 10 years, with Lady Gaga in the title at the height of her fame and it has less than 70,000 views.

"Do you know who I am?" is so needy and so sad at the same time. It looks like nobody does, brotherman. There are people who play video games and do that in a day just off their subscribers. At what point do you just quit? 3 years in the game and you've never gone viral. Homeless Mustard 4 years ago is the only thing close. He hasn't cracked a million views in 4 years. Just stop.

How's that Mustard album coming out anyways?



I'm surprised no one's posted the John Lennon anniversary thing from that imagine park strawberry field thing

Lol here come the downvotes but that was funny

kind of funny really.. also gaga stinks

His youtube channel is indefensible. I do like him on the show, but none of his good qualities make it to that channel.

All of his good qualities make it on the channel.

His channel has no good qualities.

You guys ruin your credibility when you criticize everything he does just for being Opie. I think Opie is a hack, too. But try to stay objective or you just look like bitter angry haters. This was funny. Especially "Do you know who I am?"

Insulting a gay indian guy is funny. Yes it's an easy target, but would anyone on here insult Opie to his face? Or try to give him shit when Kenny is around? Of course not.

You're just starting to act like a bunch of women and gossiping like hens at this point. Stop being faggots

I think this is one of the more legitimate things to criticize Opie for. He's just being an annoying dick to a crying kid and her friend, and thinks its the most hilarious edgy thing. Its like how Jimmy says he has no problem making disabled jokes, but wouldn't point and laugh at a disabled person in the crowd because its just a shitty thing to do and there's no humor there.

He's making himself look like a dick for our enjoyment, in this video at least

Video is funny.


ITT: a bunch of pedantic faggots.

tsss tsss ya like the ROLLIN stones.... tss

All of his good qualities make it on the channel.

His channel has no good qualities.