Opie on YKWD.

7  2014-07-01 by [deleted]

Just listened to Opie's first appearance on Bawby's podcast with DeRosa and Dan Soder - he's nothing like he is on the show.

He doesn't try to make everything about himself, he can't go to callers, he didn't really bomb and actually had a couple good lines.



His appearance on JRE was pretty good too.

Yeah he wasn't hilarious but he was definitely bearable. I think this just goes to show ya that when he isn't assuming the position of "captain of the ship" he is OK. The idea that he thrives as the captain is 100% wrong.

less pressure?

I don't think it is pressure. He's been in the business for long enough that I doubt he feels pressure to entertain. If he felt like he was under pressure he'd prob get to work a couple hours early or stay after work a couple of hours to prepare. I think he just isn't very good at moving the conversations/topics into the most entertaining directions. When they were talking about Nancy Grace yesterday that story was compelling and weird and deserved some attention and he had it in his head that bringing the convo back to the Big Show and pizza with Sam was the funnier direction. I shut the show off.

He was also high. VERY high.

And when they were on Leno a few years back - that was probably his best moment as an entertainer.

edit: Letterman

He also tends to be more like this on shows where Ron is in studio and Ant is out.

When Opie is a guest he's a pretty cool dude, and he without a doubt, has some incredible radio stories from the O&A days when they were drunk and had whoores in all the time

Opie aside, is YKWD worth listening to yet? I wrote it off a year ago when five people were talking over each other for an hour.

5 dudes laughing there fucking asses off at every little "joke" that comes every 9 seconds

Aside from Bawby and Dan Soder it's headache inducing.

Try to catch it when it's the regular crew, bawby, dan soder, Louis Gomez and joe list. If not the show is eager open micers.

i do not believe he didn't suck. I'm sure he did suck.

I got the same vibe from the unmasked. He's more on point and cuts to the chase. Dunno why he is torn between being relaxed and viral-video mongering.

He does joke about playing the character "opie" for the radio. Maybe that's not what he's really like it's just who he feels he has to be to direct a radio show

99% of the time we hear him he's being Opie. On Rogan, Unmasked etc. we are actually hearing Gregg Hughes. When things have gotten serious before he's said things like "Let me break character here for a minute..." and "This is Gregg Hughes talking right now" thus confirming that Gregg Hughes is an actor, playing the character of Opie.

The Opie character used to be a mean asshole, which he has admitted he doesn't feel like doing anymore since he's gotten older and grown somewhat of a conscience. At the same time, Sirius has handcuffed the show. There's no more interns to mistreat, he can't smash other people's property, so he had to recreate the character. Ron and Fez have been running an "is this real or not?" thing with Fez and his descent into insanity for quite awhile now and it's inspired Hughes to take the Opie character into a different direction. He took the Ron Bennington ringmaster handbook and perfected it.

The new Opie is an obnoxious and self-absorbed troll. He can't physically abuse people anymore so he's set his sights on a target that he has admitted he hates: his fans. And it's absolutely brilliant. All of the stuff everyone on here bitches about, the horrid jokes, "tapping out", "take a peek", the slogan shirts, selling instagram pictures, actually trying to drive the show in a less funny direction when comedians are in...he does douchey stuff and says the dumbest things on purpose to piss his fans off. He has said that the fans are stupid and he's right. He's frustratingly confessed to us that it's a bit and still nobody gets it. It's the single greatest bit in radio history.

tl;dr Opie is a fucking genius.

I've had all of those exact thoughts and was going to reference the moments when he claims to be breaking down the 4th wall or speaking as Greg Hughes. It's mind blowing to think that the whole thing is an act, but I don't think that's the case tbh. I think it's a combination of it being an act and him genuinely being annoying. It's an extension of his actual personality where he doesn't hold back based on social constraints because he has the excuse of working under a guise.

I don't like how heavily we're looking into this. It's ruining the chemistry of the show

People say he's ok on YKWD or Rogans podcast but it's only because of the contrast created by him being so terrible on his own show.

I disagree, I've heard him on the other shows and he is laid back, mellow, fairly open, etc. I think it's really the show that makes him "pump it up" for the radio, which really isn't his particular strong suit these days.

Why does Opie always need so much justification? People who defend him are constantly trying to rationalize why someone would be such a douche. When someone is cool they are cool, when someone is good on the radio they are good on the radio theres no need for so much excuse making.

Ant and Jim a fucking creeps for different reasons but they are funny and good on the radio. Not 100% of the time but enough that people don't hate them. Opie makes terrible jokes, constantly tries to pronunce words in some weird way for no purpose at all, is a douche to levels that are off the charts, acts like he's a 'destroyer' but is a pussy, he's dumb and acts smart, he can't read for shit but insists on reading every article rather than giving it to someone who can, brags about shit thats never happened(mob guys, jury duty, seatbelt ticket etc), He has all the qualities that they jocktober other shows for, he's insecure about everything but will claim he is totally sure of himself "trust me" he says but he's a liar. He pocesses the fundamental skills for radio: operating a board taking calls and breaks, going to callers but he does not have a likeable personality which could be made up for with comedic talent which he also lacks.

I feel like he's a decent guy in real life. He used to work very well on O+A when they were at their peak, because he was the destroyer type. Now that he's more mellow, and the show is all but neutered, no, he doesn't have comedy chops to bring to the table. He says things that make me laugh or sets a bit up, etc. on occasion, but pure funny, he can't keep up with Jim or Ant - which wasn't his role to start with anyway. Now it gets really cringey for sure. I don't think it's a contrast though, I think Opie has talents, it's just the show in general that sucks (because of rules and management, which also creates host apathy), and three guys trying to salvage it for as long as possible.

Actually it would be kinda awesome if he went on someone else's show and pulled his shit and got called on it.

What's your point?

Ugh... the constantly negative cunts on this sub.

Rampant asperger's

I'm not being negative I'm just asking what he's trying to make. That opie is very entertaining when he isn't worried about how the show is being run? Who knew?

I certainly did.

Stop trying to clean it up shit bird

No you shut up