Can someone who listens to the show live PLEASE call the show and ask Opie about his retarded YouTube videos?

33  2014-07-01 by hansel4150

Find a way to get through the call screener, say whatever you have to to get through, and ask Opie about his dumb YouTube videos (especially the How to chain your dragon one). I'm interested to see how Ant and Jimmy react. Hopefully Sam will bring up some of Opie's videos so the boys can get a glimpse of how Opie spends his free time.



And little to no talent. You can't forget that one.

You're really underselling "prominent", this show is so below the radar.


He pays for the editing, why doesn't he just buy original content as well? At least it would get views, etc.

And I'm sure this brave caller wont immediately run out of steam the second his statement is challenged.

"Hey, Opie. Why do your videos suck...? Hamanahamana... Chain your Dragon... Hamanahamana... Punchin' out." CLICK

They'd throw in a happy birthday Jimmy or a good evening first. Awkward cunts.

What is there to run out of steam about?


The Ant & Jim reaction would be awkward silence.




Why don't you come back here and shut up?

It's your idea, why don't you do it?

I'm pretty sure he either listens to replays later in the day, or gets it off the internet. I listen on my computer, when the live show is over.

that and he's a pussy just like the rest of us.

That or the fact that he works during the show like a lot of people.

Most of us probably aren't pussies, we just see the futility of it all. AKA "Who gives a fuck?"

No, you're pussies.

Same, you could try calling up and say it's about football or whatever but it'd be weird to interrupt the flow of the show to bash Opie. It'd be too easy for him to go "were in the middle of something fuckface" and move on.

Yeah he'll make a twitter guy voice and move on.

Excuses, excuses.


I was like a lot of people, where Opie's videos never bothered me. They were just there and I didn't care how lame they were.

Now they have gotten to Lyle Chipperson levels. I started to think maybe "That's The Bit!" It's intentionally bad, get it? eh

After the censoring and overly defending his clips, it is clear someone needs to address them.

Either a surprise Jocktober (feat. OpieRadio) or an intervention with Ant, Jim, and a number of comics to give him a "wake-up call" (bash the shit out of him)

They really should do an O&A roast.

Not to be too macabre, but I can't wait to hear what Ant and the comedians say about Opie when he dies.

See, this is good and everything, but if you call in where Opie is in he'll do 2 things...

  1. One, the exasperated screaming while he's shutting you down. Hold onX3, Pause, Oh, its your show, I'll let you talk, FFFFFUCK these callers sometimes man, they just don't get it.

  2. If you don't have the how to chain your dragon content and the links to the times Opie took it down to provide to the boys, he'll provide "What is he saying, Robin? I was doodling!" Howard Stern levels of feigned incompetence and ignorance.

"See, I don't even know what these FFFFUCKING HATERS are talking about!"

This is why I made this because I knew it would come in handy eventually. And also, to combat Opie talking over you, all you have to do is speak confidently and to the point without raising your voice or swearing. He'll look like the idiot if he tries to go with the "FUCKING EHDIOTS" bit then.

I think what would most likely happen is him saying, "IF YOU THINK IT'S SO BAD THEN WHY DON'T YOU MAKE ONE BETTER!"

I wish Sandy Kane were in an Opie Youtube video so it would be taken down.

somebody had a great callout to opie like 2 weeks ago about his shittyness and nobody bothered to bring it up here. he basically tried to act all confused and uhhhhh ok????

Yeah, the guy flopped.

The boys gave him the platform, "Well, what would you do differently?"

He had could have gone through at least 4 legitimate complaints....but he choked

That guy was awful, he embarrassed himself.

These are the only clips on Youtube that they should be watching and they aren't watching it.

Haha, yesterday they were listening to The View in silence for at least 5 minutes. What has this show become?!

In silence? Sometimes I don't think we listen to the same show. Ant was clearly talking and they paused the clip multiple times to make different points about Whoopi's hypocrisy.

Okay, I exaggerated with the silence thing, but it felt like there were long periods of time where they were just listening and not commenting on it. Aside from Ant's political points at the end, and saying her hair looking like Doody (as does her face) no one else chimed in. But forgetting that, who gives a shit about the View?!

What exactly takes place in these videos?

A shitstorm of mediocrity.

Youtube is not for old people.

Source: old person.

Someone should Philly-Crew-Roll him on air with a tinyurl link. Just say it's an unlisted, leaked video relating to absolutely any current news story.

As a retarded gender nonconforming teen.... I find this eeeerrrrrrrr


You're obsessed.

I'll buy Reddit Gold for anyone who does this.


Third. Give him a real roasting for it and it'll be worth your time.

it's 2014, use imgur.

shut up

Most of us probably aren't pussies, we just see the futility of it all. AKA "Who gives a fuck?"

That or the fact that he works during the show like a lot of people.