I haven't listened in a few weeks. Is today worth a listen?

0  2014-06-30 by EskimoEscrow

Is the show getting any better?


I liked it. But I'm biased because I'm a fan of the show.

Not really. The one good show in a little while is the one where Jimmy was out and Dan Soder was in a couple weeks ago. It got my hopes up but it went right back to its steady decline.

I think I remember that. A no ant show which are mostly unlistenable, but that was a good show.A friday I think.

HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON. aaaggggh. Well, now I'm not gonna say it, if you're gonna be a dick about it.

"Ohkay well punchin---"


Opie insists on taking calls as one after the other bombs.

No. Once Norton starts bombing and Anthony starts laughing at everything he does I turned the channel. Almost feels Anthony laughs uncomfortably to keep Jim's spirits/ego up.

Norton has just been awful over the past few weeks.

The Anthony Fake overly long Laugh is one of the most irritating things on that show. It's so enraging when Norton saying a load of unfunny things & ant over acting his fake laugh over an extended maybe 10 minute bit where nothing funny is happening. But that doesn't stop Ant the fake laugher.

Anthony Quivers

This. People forget that Ant started fake laughing at Norton years ago. It just became a habit. Ant's an enabler now.

Yeah everything's opies fault but the best show in weeks was when Jimmy was out and Dan soder filled in. I think at times jimmys negativity rubs off on people especially Opie and it brings the show down. Hence why they do nothing but bitch during the apology bit but when soder was there it was all jokes.

Listening overall is worth if youre working or got an day job.

I'd kill myself not listening to anything related to standup comedy/radio.

Also you can download every show from 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. So listen to that then if youre hating

I didn't know about O&A until Joe Rogan mentioned them on his podcast a few years ago. I was used to that type of stuff. O&A are better even on their worst days then almost all podcasts except a few in my opinion.

Yeah hands down. O&A is the shit


Way too many callers today. I had to hit the fast-forward button a dozen times in the first hour. Not good.

Not really. Unless you like food segments and HOLD ON! Calls.


Any NYC food talk, extended youtube clip watching segments, or commentary on irrelevant music from the 80's/90's today?

Ahhh, depends how you judge better I guess. Ahhh, what do I know? I just download the show, give it a good listen and I'm done with it. What do I know?

I rather be listening to the devils circus tssss tssss