Slobbo at 10,000 Feet

0  2014-06-29 by JeffScott63


"This is going to be great. I'm going to get so many upvotes from reddit AND an RT from opie"

I thought he was usually 10,000 leagues under the sea

He posted a video of the dive too. He's looks like he's actually trying to cover the shirt up before the jump (about 1:53 in)

oh God I'm an idiot

You could only hope a big rig came barreling through the side of the house when the video ended

You guys remember Operation Dumbo Drop?

See, because he's fat.

Is this you or a random picture you found?

Damn that's pretty badass!

It's idiotic reckless abandon.

Which is why its fun.

Was he strapped to a fucking bear?



How I wish someone calls in to the show while skydiving just to shout SLOBBO.

Last time something that big fell from the sky it killed all the dinosaurs